George Allen, Macaca, and The Infantile Hypocrisy of the "Heavily Edited" Defense


Ask any leftist to defend the monstrosities that are contained on the Center for Medical Progress videos about Planned Parenthood, and they will immediately retort that the videos are “heavily edited.” Go on, I dare you to try it and find a liberal who doesn’t immediately leap to that canard. It cannot be done, for they know nothing else to even say about the damning things that have unfolded for all the world to see on film.


The worst part is that the media lapdogs parrot this talking point as though it’s actually germane, in the context of an organization that has willingly and immediately released the full videos with each and every release. Definitely, this would be a fair attack if the liberals/media in question could point to some area in which the alleged “heavy editing” has resulted in an unfair characterization of what the Planned Parenthood official in question said, but that has never happened.

If you challenge a liberal who relies on the “heavily edited” defense to tell you what, specifically, the full video shows that reveals that the edited version is unfair in some way, you will get a blank stare in response. I promise – try it for yourself.

A useful story that illustrates the asinine and infantile hypocrisy of the left with respect to this particular “defense” is the George Allen/”macaca” saga from back in 2006. For those of you who don’t remember, liberals hired the stupidest and most annoying person (with the most absurd mohawk) they could find to follow George Allen around on the campaign trail and harass him, on video, for weeks.


This particular moron collected I am quite sure hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of video of George Allen doing normal George Allen things, patiently ignoring his harassment campaign, or giving stump speeches, or whatever. When he finally got Allen to slip up and call him a “macaca,” it was irrelevant to the exact same people defending Planned Parenthood (including the media) that hundreds of hours of Allen patiently ignoring this idiot were dumped in favor of five seconds of Allen using an arguable racial epithet. Nobody cared or even mentioned that the video of Allen was “heavily edited.” He said what he said, and ultimately he was doomed.

In the same way, no one is alleging that the various Planned Parenthood officials’ words were somehow unfairly spliced together, or that they never said the things they said. No one has offered any way in which the context improves their remarks about the sale of aborted baby parts, or makes them somehow not about the sale of aborted baby parts.

Rather instead Planned Parenthood’s defenders insist (idiotically) that “heavily edited” means “untrue” and their sycophants in the media helpfully parrot the fact that the makers of the videos released a soundbite version of the most damaging parts of their video (along with the full, unedited version!) and allow the public to make the own insidious leap to “unfair!” in their own mind.


By this same token, George Allen never even said “Macaca,” and he wants his seat back.



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