There is something of a sexual harassment brouhaha up in New York’s state capitol, wherein another Democrat has gotten himself into trouble for his…er…oral overtures and other malfeasance against his female staff.
However, while Democrats are very familiar with charges of sexual harassment , there is one excerpt from the Mental Recession’s report makes you wonder just how committed this particular New York Democrat really is to workers’ rights (in general) and women’s rights (in particular):
Among the seedy allegations are the claims that Gabryszak requested that Kennedy and another woman “touch butts” for a holiday photo, frequently requested her presence at a couples massage, and a statement that “if workers in the sex trade were to unionize, he would no longer be able to afford their services.”
You know, you’ve just got to wonder:
Does Democrat Dennis Gabryszak also go bargain hunting at WalMart and other non-union venues for his goods and services–or does he just limit his union-free shopping to prostitution?
Also, will any of these unions want their members’ money back?
Read the full story at The Mental Recession.
The accusations against Assemblyman Dennis Gabryszak, D-Cheektowaga, Erie County, makes him the third Democratic lawmaker in the Assembly to be hit with harassment accusations in slightly more than a year. [Emphasis added.]
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Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
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