The Democrats' Bold Lawfare Strategy Against Donald Trump

Justin Lane/Pool Photo via AP

Well, the Democrats have chosen, and they have chosen poorly.  

Donald Trump has been convicted on 34 counts of a campaign bookkeeping felony violation in the New York Trump Biden campaign-directed lawfare case, where, as I said before, there is no actual crime, and even if there were a crime, it would still be all about sex.  


And let’s not split hairs about the prosecution being Biden campaign-directed.  We know this case was clearly managed by the Biden campaign, through the participation of Matthew Colangelo, a Democrat donor, a former Democrat National Committee consultant, and the former third-ranking official in President Biden’s Justice Department who took a huge demotion to serve as a prosecutor in District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office to lead this prosecution.

As I said before, the average, objective, swing voter is almost certainly going to think the following things about this “guilty” verdict for Donald Trump in the New York trial.  

  • I guess Donald Trump cheated on his wife.  

  • He then paid off the porn star to keep him out of hot water with said wife.  

  • He used a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), which I know is used by all sorts of businesses.

  • I don’t understand why this is a campaign bookkeeping felony.  This doesn’t even sound illegal or campaign-related.

  • Even if it is illegal, it is a stupid case and all about sex.  Didn’t the Democrats say that Bill Clinton shouldn’t be punished for sex?

  • The Democrats are clearly doing this to hurt Trump politically.

  • Joe Biden seems senile and corrupt, the economy is terrible, with bad inflation, the border is non-existent, the world is in chaos, as is our college campuses, and Biden wants to distract us by focusing on this stupid sex case.

And Trump supporters will believe all of this even more strongly.

Politically, this was an immensely stupid decision by the Democrats.  


It also makes no sense, legally speaking.   I am a lawyer, but I can’t really tell you what Donald Trump was actually convicted of.  The campaign bookkeeping charge is only a misdemeanor, on which the statute of limitations had already run (meaning that it should be too late to charge Trump for these supposed violations).  It is also a federal law, which New York doesn’t have any jurisdiction to prosecute.  However, the New York Democrats got around the statute of limitations and made these federal misdemeanors into state felonies by claiming that there is another felony that the misdemeanor was attached to.  But they won’t tell you what that felony was, and the biased Democrat jury didn’t have to say, or even take a firm position on what it was.  

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is still legally unpunished for her campaign’s identical bookkeeping misdemeanor, which funded the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax in 2016.

So, there is no question that this country has entered real banana republic territory this week.

But let’s go back to the politics of it all.   As I also said before, if Trump was not convicted in this New York case, the average, objective, swing voters, and Trump supporters, would only be reminded of Democrat stupidity and perfidy once, when the verdict was announced.  But, because Trump has been convicted, they will be reminded about this whenever Trump’s status as a felon comes up in the news, or Trump talks about it, or the Democrat’s crow about it.  And Trump has every incentive to proclaim his innocence to the world; while Biden, the Democrats, and the MSM (but I repeat myself) are delusional, and think this is a political plus for their side, so they also have the incentive to gloat and attack Trump based on this ridiculous lawfare conviction.  


I also have detailed the long list of Democrats, including current U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who, during the Bill Clinton impeachment saga, went on record to say that that “sex” scandal was no big deal, and that the American people weren’t going to care about it in a chaotic world.   And sure enough, in the next election cycle, the Democrats did better than expected after the scandal became a politicized legal case.

So, we are where we are, and the main issue for the remainder of the campaign will be this silly New York conviction of Donald Trump.  Which the Democrats consciously chose to center their campaigns on.  

What a hill to die on for the Biden campaign.  Or, as Jason Bateman memorably said in the comedy movie Dodgeball in response to another dumb decision, “It's a bold strategy, Cotton.  Let's see if it pays off for ‘em.”  


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