That Chris Cuomo would dare to criticize any governor for not doing enough to combat COVID-19 while also hosting his brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and praising his leadership should be enough for any major news outlet to seriously rethink his prime time status on their network.
But CNN is not going to do anything about this.
On his Monday night program, Cuomo belittled and mocked Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for what Mediaite calls a “premature victory lap.” This is the week after he praised his older brother for showing great leadership in New York, despite the fact that, by every metric, the elder Cuomo has done exponentially worse than DeSantis, whose state has seen a spike, but is nowhere near as devastated as New York.
After playing the clip of DeSantis’ White House tirade, Cuomo mimicked the Florida governor’s gesticulations before calling out the premature victory lap. Cuomo is the younger brother of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has also sparked outrage and sharply criticized for how he handled the outbreak in that state.
“What now? Not going to hear him here. You won’t see him here. Why? Because he’s got nothing to say,” Cuomo snarked. “When he had a chance to speak, he spoke too soon, he did too little, and now his state is suffering too much. New York’s peak and daily cases was in what, April? The five-day average of daily cases hit almost 10,000. Terrible. Things here still aren’t great. We’re just moving in the right direction. Florida health officials reported nearly 10,000 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, its highest single day since the start of the pandemic.”
Cuomo went on to reference the claims of a former data analyst who lied about the state trying to censor certain data from their own COVID-19 dashboard, hinting that DeSantis wasn’t releasing full numbers in order to keep President Donald Trump happy.
It does not take a data analyst, or even someone skilled at mathematics, to look at the data and see that Florida was and still is better off than the state of New York.
Nearly 400,000 cases and upwards of 30,000 deaths, due in large part to mismanagement from the state’s leadership. Governor Cuomo was responsible for the disastrous policy that forced nursing homes to take in infected patients.
Florida, meanwhile, has seen only 141,000 cases — including this current spike — and only 3,400 deaths. And where Governor Cuomo forced nursing homes to take infected patients, DeSantis sent teams into nursing homes to test and removed/quarantine anyone who was infected, saving an untold number of lives in the process. The lives of our most vulnerable citizens can trust DeSantis and should be terrified of Cuomo.
But the numbers and the facts don’t matter to Chris Cuomo, whose only job is to be a press flack for his brother. Despite the clear ethical issues with CNN allowing him to interview his brother, a politician at the center of one of the worst outbreaks in the country, he has continued to go on the air and not just defend him but to actually attack anyone who has done better.
At the Washington Examiner, Becket Adams laid it out very plainly.
The entire point of the news industry is to keep the public well informed. This mission is rarely as important as it is now, as the country struggles to overcome a viral outbreak. But no one who has watched CNN’s Cuomo-Cuomo act is any wiser for it. No public interest has been served, and it is this simple, inescapable fact that makes CNN’s decision to allow these interviews to occur on a regular basis so totally confounding.
If there is a reasonable explanation for what CNN has done for New York’s governor — and surely, there must be something to explain this enormous lapse in journalism ethics — it has yet to provide one.
The whole show is a scam, and Cuomo is a hack of an anchor who dabbles in poor commentary disguised as newsworthy information. That CNN hasn’t reined him in, and that no one there has raised any concerns, speaks volumes about the editorial slant of the network and its mission.
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