There are two facts that are beyond dispute.
The first fact is that Joe Scarborough did not kill Lori Klausutis. She was determined to have a previously unknown heart condition, and that upon falling and hitting her head, she died as a result of it. The death was listed as blunt force trauma because of that fall, but the heart condition is why the fall was fatal.
Joe Scarborough, then a U.S. Representative, was accused by left-wing activists of murdering her. They went after him because he was, at the time, staunchly conservative and the left hated him for it. Scarborough is not the same man he was then, and while his ideologies may have changed, his innocence in the young woman’s death has not.
The second indisputable fact is that Scarborough and his co-host/wife, Mika Brzezinski, repeatedly gave free, friendly coverage to Donald Trump’s campaign during the 2016 presidential primary. They elevated his profile in a way that few others did. Upon his nomination and throughout his presidency, Scarborough and Brzezinski turned on Trump, going from friendly faces to outright enemies. They have savaged him, implied or accused him of every possible crime, and have thoroughly clowned themselves in how shamelessly they went from friendly interviewers to hostile critics.
Small wonder that the betrayal of people he was “friends” with stung like hell and caused the President of the United States to turn around and level the same type of “conspiracy theory” accusations back at them.
Eventually, an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind to the truth: There is still a right way and a wrong way to handle things. But we have simply reached a point where the loudest voices on either side want to see more than just an eye for an eye. They want to elevate, to return the “ownage” in a bigger and grander way. That’s why accusations of treason, selling out the county, or whatever else you want to call it, are getting “topped” with debunked accusations of murder and the masses cheer for it.
But it is still gross behavior coming from an office that should lead with a better example. Under no circumstances should Trump just lay back and take it from a biased, hostile, and frankly clownish media, but he should not up the ante on the ridiculousness and accuse any American — media personality or otherwise — of murder without evidence. That is a bridge too far and should be for most Americans regardless of partisan affiliation.
Moreover, you are unnecessarily re-opening old wounds for Klausutis’ family, who had to live through her death once already. For it to be brought up in partisan attacks is unconscionable. Let her family move on. Don’t keep dragging her name and death through social media in order to land a partisan attack on someone you don’t like.
This isn’t a matter of electability — this will be forgotten two days after he stops tweeting about it. This also isn’t a matter of hating Trump and everything he does and finding a reason to attack him. It is simply a reminder that the office should be above this. He shouldn’t back down — or be expected to back down — from attacks by the national press over his policies, actions, and the like. He should, however, consider the weight of his office and how to best score a victory without peddling in conspiracy theories and baselessly dragging people through the mud.
It is, frankly, disgusting that he would stoop to that kind of level, and it’s worse that we should just accept that this is how politics are now. We all, not just the President of the United States, should do better.
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