California used to pride itself on leading the nation. It still does “lead,” but not in positive, productive ways. With California dominated by Democrat pols, the state legislature has devolved into citing mythology to justify the transgenderism cult.
Because Democrats control most of the state’s local seats and hold a super-majority at the state level, Democrats wield power like a cudgel. They crush opposition, silence opponents, and demand fealty to their cult. Democrats are not content with voting in whatever nonsense comes to mind; they have removed outspoken Republicans from committee positions. Free speech is allowed by Democrats as long as that speech doesn’t offend their cult or the followers of their religion.
"Before they’ve taken action on a single bill to lower the cost of living, Assembly Democrats retaliated against Republican lawmakers for highlighting their failures on the cost of living, wildfire and energy," said Assembly Minority Leader James Gallagher in a statement. "Let me be clear, we will not be intimidated by petty politics."
Unfortunately, Mr. Gallagher, you might not be intimidated, but you’re definitely screaming into the void. When Democrats have a super-majority, they turn into authoritarian goons ready to impose their vision of their authoritarian utopia on the rest of us.
So, what is one of the bishops of their cult up to this year?
First, he wants to take away the right to self-defense. The man behind this is named Rick Zbur. He wants to make self-defense illegal. No, I’m not kidding. Assemblyman Zbur wants to amend the Penal Code 197 to make defending yourself a roll of the dice. He wants to add this language to the statute:
b) Homicide is not justifiable when committed by a person in all of the following cases:
(1) When the person was outside of their residence and knew that using force likely to cause death or great bodily injury could have been avoided with complete safety by retreating.
(2) When the person used more force than was reasonably necessary to defend against a danger.
(3) When the person was the assailant, engaged in mutual combat, or knowingly engaged in conduct reasonably likely to provoke a person to commit a felony or do some great bodily injury, except if either of the following circumstances apply:
(A) The person reasonably believed that they were in imminent danger of death or great bodily injury, and had exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force likely to cause death or great bodily injury.
(B) In good faith, the person withdrew from the encounter with the other assailant or assailants and indicated clearly to the other assailant or assailants that the person desired to withdraw and terminated the use of any force, but the other assailant or assailants continued or resumed the use of force.
I’m a lawyer. So is Zbur, but you don't need to be a lawyer to know what he’s trying to do. It’s not hard to figure out. He wants to make anyone and everyone afraid to defend themselves. In the heat of the moment, this clown wants people to hesitate and then run. Or just hope the criminal doesn’t kill you. Self-defense? Meh – best to ask the murderous crooks to “Please don’t kill me!
Sheriffs throughout the state oppose this amendment:
Amongst the notable new opponents against the Assemblyman Rick Zbur (D-Los Angeles) authored Assembly Bill 1333 are Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea and Tehama County Sheriff Dave Kain. Both of the Sheriffs agree that the language of the bill makes it so that homeowners can’t adequately protect their own property and that the wording was way too vague.
It makes me pause, but in a different way. If this passes and a crook breaks into my home, Zbur wants me to hope for the best and pray that I can run. He doesn’t want me defending myself and defending my family – he wants me to hesitate and hope that the criminal is there for a cup of tea and a sandwich. If this statute's amendment passes, I am still likely to shoot the burglar – but instead of calling the cops, said felon might end up buried in the backyard.
Zbur happens to be a gay guy. His job before taking a state-paid job was as the director of an LGBTQRA++ advocacy group. I thought the gay community was “under attack” by roaming gangs of Nazi rednecks. No?
I think Zbur is pretty pleased with the next load of garbage, since he's the author.
California’s cultists are pushing their catechism on California’s citizens. You shall use preferred pronouns. You shall worship the alphabet soup. It is a “religion." Ok, it’s a cult. It’s the left’s version of Jim Jones' Kool-Aid-ers. CalDems are drinkin’ the Kool-Aid. They are guzzling it. In California, biological boys and men are stealing the medals and the spotlight from girls and women in sports and demanding that everyone admit that there are 52 genders. The rest of the country has had it with their cult, but CalDems are pushing back, celebrating the T in the alphabet soup and explicitly admitting that it is a cult based on mythology.
HR 21 is a “transgender day of visibility” bill. It begins with:
WHEREAS, Originating from Indigenous communities of Turtle Island, the concept of “Two-Spirit” denotes a unique cultural identity that includes various sexual orientation and gender expressions, and intersects with Indigenous LGBTQ+ identities; the term Two-Spirit was first articulated at the Third Annual Intertribal Native American, First Nations, Gay and Lesbian American Conference in the City of Winnipeg in 1990.
Uhhh...what? Turtle Island? That’s a "We live on a giant turtle” myth. A tribal myth. A myth, like the ancient Greeks' belief in Zeus and Poseidon. It's like citing a Marvel movie as justification for a bill recognizing the Fantastic Four as our saviors.
Fellow lawyer Laura Powell is sounding the alarm:
The California Legislature intends to pass resolutions (one in each house) formally recognizing Transgender Week of Visibility.
— Laura Powell (@LauraPowellEsq) March 4, 2025
Even if you fail to recognize that a belief in gender ideology, which makes metaphysical claims, is religious in nature, the language of the resolution…
The post concludes with:
the language of the resolution that references spiritual concepts should be a clue that there is a separation of church and state issue here.
It’s a cult — plain and simple. While the rest of America is trending toward sanity, California is “cultin'."