Lara Trump Sings Scott Presler’s Praises at 2024 CA GOP Convention. We All Should Do the Same

Townhall Media

I spent much of this past weekend (May 17-19, 2024) away from my day job, instead visiting the San Francisco suburb of Burlingame, where San Francisco International Airport and accompanying hotels reside. I was there to report on the California GOP Convention for RedState. While there, I attended a lunchtime event featuring South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s well-received speech and, later that day, a hosted dinnertime conversation with new RNC co-chair Lara Trump.


READ MORESouth Dakota Gov Kristi Noem Brings Quiet Fire to the California GOP Convention

During Trump’s remarks, while discussing advances made by the RNC following her arrival, she mentioned how it is necessary for today’s election strategists not to play the new election game by the old rules, namely waiting until Election Day for individual voters to turn out while at the same time, Democrats are engaging in full-scale ballot harvesting. She encouraged those in attendance to vote as early as possible, following which devoting their efforts to embrace legal ballot harvesting by directly making sure other prospective conservative voters cast their ballots.

READ MOREMichael Whatley, Lara Trump Unanimously Elected to Lead the RNC; Will Things Change Now?

Early on in her comments, Trump made a point of praising Scott Presler’s work in registering new Republican voters.

We also need people who I don’t feel thought they had a real safe home at the RNC — our grassroots partners. For example, anybody ever heard of a guy named Scott Presler? Scott Presler has singlehandedly registered more voters for the Republican Party in this country than any other human being alive today. No doubt. He’s amazing. And, for whatever reason, he was never embraced by the RNC. But now, we are embracing him.

Trump’s comments received polite applause from those clearly unfamiliar with Presler and his work. The younger attendees greeted her mention of his name with enthusiastic shouts that would put the most Red Bull-infused high school spirit squad to shame.

In regard to walking the talk, Scott Presler is the gold standard. His Early Vote Action campaign is far more than a website and a handful of press releases. Presler is a perpetual motion machine, crossing the country and leading hands-on seminars to organize people in the basic work of registering voters and getting their ballots cast and counted. He is the living embodiment of the late Andrew Breitbart’s nickname, “the happy warrior,” and he has a keen sense of humor.

Yes, Presler is gay. So. What.

It pains me to see Republicans such as Missouri firebrand Valentina Gomez throwing around “gay” as a pejorative. Brandon Morse here at RedState wrote a post on May 20 calmly discussing such as examples of acting out of spite against woke culture. (The post requires a VIP membership to read; I cannot suggest strongly enough signing up for a membership if you are not already on board so you can receive unfiltered, informed, and uncensored news and opinion from the RedState team.) I note that regardless of motivation, using “weak and gay” together is, well, weak.


Yes, I am a Christian. Yes, I host a Christian rock and faith commentary podcast named Cephas Hour. And yes, I know quite well what the Bible says. For example:

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.


Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.

And a bit of New Testament referencing Old Testament:

For he says to Moses,

“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”

In my 49 years as a believer, I have had more than enough tempestuous moments in my sometimes confidently trotting, sometimes stumbling walk with Jesus to realize I am, if not the absolute last person on earth to scream about someone else’s life, definitely way down on the list. I know enough to know that God put on His big boy pants a very long time ago and is far more qualified to deal with any given individual and their life than I am. He does not condone sin, but He also is quite adept at forgiving it for those who seek Him, working with and through all who believe as we struggle with matters of the flesh. I have my own sins demanding my energy fighting. Despite my shortcomings, I remain in awe that He works with and through me. Who am I to deny He can use who He desires to use, regardless of the person involved? I am no better than anyone. We are all sinners in utter need of God’s grace.


Scott Presler is doing the Lord’s work in trying to put conservatives in office. That is more than good enough for me, and others who can’t rise above playground taunts need to grow up. Conservatives are blessed to have him on our side, and he deserves nothing less than our absolute and unreserved support.


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