REPORT: Doug Emhoff Told Former Girlfriend He'd Paid $80,000 Hush Money to Nanny He Impregnated

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The Daily Mail printed a second expose about Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff on Wednesday, reporting that in May 2012 Emhoff slapped a woman across the face "so hard she spun around" as the two waited for a taxi while leaving a party in Cannes. Emhoff had been dating the woman for about three months when the public incident occurred. But the piece also revealed additional information about Emhoff's relationship with Najen Naylor, a woman who worked as a teacher at the Emhoff kids' school and directly for the Emhoffs as a nanny.


Emhoff's then-girlfriend, who is referred to by the pseudonym "Jane" by the Daily Mail, told multiple friends that Emhoff admitted that the reason for his divorce was that "he had gotten the kids' teacher pregnant" in a "matter-of-fact" way, not showing any shame or remorse. Emhoff also reportedly told Jane that he "settled" with Naylor "for about $80,000 and had her sign an NDA" after Naylor claimed that Emhoff was "aggressive with her, shouting or whatever, to the degree that she lost the baby." Emhoff suggested to Jane that Naylor was making up the claims, and Jane told a friend that Emhoff claimed that Naylor "wasn't really pregnant and was doing a shakedown."

Some would call that $80,000 payment in exchange for an NDA "hush money."

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In early August, sources unconnected to Jane told RedState that LAPD officers had been dispatched to a domestic violence call related to Emhoff and Naylor around the time Naylor was pregnant in 2009. This is seemingly corroborated by a record Daily Mail obtained pursuant to a Public Records Act request showing that on June 28, 2009 LAPD officers responded to the home of celebrity party planner Mindy Weiss, with whom Naylor lived, for "unknown trouble."


LAPD refused to give Daily Mail further information about the incident or the names of those involved, but the record showed that officers were dispatched code 3, which Daily Mail reports is "a 'life threatening emergency, lights and sirens on.'" The incident occurred less than two months after Emhoff and his first wife, Kersten, separated, which court filings indicate occurred on May 2, 2009, and just a few weeks after Kersten filed divorce papers (June 5, 2009).

Jane's friends said Emhoff's revelations were a serious "red flag" but she'd already bought plane tickets for the AmFAR event in France so she went through with the trip. Emhoff never apologized for hitting her, and when he returned to the U.S. the two never saw each other again.

While Jane didn't personally provide comment for the Daily Mail story and is not speaking out due to fear of retaliation, her friends - who are Democrats - say they came forward with the story in the interest of transparency:

'He's holding himself out to be something he absolutely is not. And that's bulls***,' said the female executive. 'I feel like people should know who their leaders really are.

'He's a really bad guy. To hold him out as a supporter of women is just disgusting.

'People can make their own choice once they know. But I feel like transparency is the best disinfectant for bad behavior.'


This timeline also calls into question the veracity of Emhoff's friends, who told CBS News in August that "while Emhoff was legally married at the time to his first wife, Kerstin Emhoff, the two were separated when the affair happened." If the police call took place on June 28, 2009 and Naylor was pregnant at the time, and Kersten Emhoff filed for divorce on May 2, 2009, it would seem that something was already happening between Doug Emhoff and Naylor as of May 2, even if it was just flirtation.

Now that there are more details and corroboration of some elements of the story of what happened between Najen Naylor and Doug Emhoff, there are more questions about raised. The biggest question is, who paid the $80,000 (or whatever the amount was) to Naylor? Was it Emhoff personally, or his law firm, or an insurance carrier, or the Willows Community School, where she taught? Or a combination of the two?

Emhoff should also be asked about the June 28 disturbance call, and whether he got physical with Naylor. We know that just a few years later he was comfortable slapping a woman across the face in front of dozens of people because he merely thought she was flirting with someone else. That's not the action of someone who's never been violent before.


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We need to know if Emhoff has been involved in any other domestic violence incidents, whether the police were called or not.

And, we need to know what Kamala Harris knew and when, and if she has ever engaged in any intimidation of these women as her career grew. Since Emhoff reportedly told Jane all about what happened with Naylor quite early in their relationship, he likely told Harris early on as well.


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