Kamala Harris Championed California's Sanctuary State Policies and People Are Dead As a Result

AP Photo/Alex Gallardo, Pool

Kamala Harris has been a danger to public safety since her days as an elected California official. One of the reasons Harris failed miserably as Biden's Border Czar is because she could not care less about securing the border. This dates back to 2004, when she was San Francisco District Attorney, to 2012 as California's Attorney General, and then 2016, when she became a senator. As Attorney General, Harris was complicit in the release of Jose Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, a Mexican criminal illegal immigrant who had been deported five times and kept re-entering the country through the Southern border. After being released from prison in San Francisco, Lopez-Sanchez obtained a loaded pistol and somehow aimed it at 32-year-old Kate Steinle, killing her. 


In 2015, local publication California Globe accurately outlined Harris' policies and blatant disregard for the safety of citizens.  

As District Attorney of San Francisco Harris protected illegal alien criminals from deportation, prosecution and the death penalty. She opposed death penalties for both David Hill, murderer of Officer Isaac Espinoza, and for MS-13 illegal alien Edwin Ramos, murderer of Tony Bologna and sons Michael and Matthew. As California Attorney General, Harris refused to criticize San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi for failing to hand over five times deported illegal alien, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, the murderer of Kate Steinle to ICE. Kamala Harris’s legitimated sanctuary policies freed thousands of criminal illegal aliens to murder cops and innocents, e.g. California police officers Danny Oliver, Michael Davis, Ronil Singh and innocents like Kate Steinle and Marilyn Pharis.

In fact, murder has never been at the top of Harris’s list of priorities. As San Francisco’s District Attorney Harris “solved’ 45 percent (32 of 73) of San Francisco’s backlog of murders by dismissing charges of murder. She plea bargained murder cases down to manslaughter, assault and burglary. Statistically, murder cases declined and her percentage of successful prosecutions increased to 67 percent during her reelection in 2007.

If you recall, it was Kate Steinle's murder that energized the 2016 campaign of Donald Trump for president, which made Harris none too happy. Having done her dirty work in both the San Francisco DA's Office and now as AG, Harris was now looking to fail up to the U.S. Senate and did not appreciate anyone calling her on the carpet for her past poor leadership. So, she attempted to change the narrative from her poor leadership to the country's poor immigration policies.


In the wake of the killing of Kate Steinle, California Attorney General Kamala Harris, a Democratic candidate for US Senate, is standing staunchly behind sanctuary cities laws — and defends local law enforcement’s responsibility to make the call on how to deal with immigration authorities.

Harris spoke out Friday in an interview with the Chronicle regarding the case of Steinle, whose alleged killer, Jose Francisco Lopez-Sanchez is an undocumented Mexican immigrant with a string of felonies and five deportations.

“What needs to be looked at is..comprehensive immigration reform — that’s the bottom line,” said Harris, in an interview. “Let’s not react to one specific case, when we are looking at a national problem.”

“Let’s react to that specific case in prosecuting that specific murder, and making sure he faces very swift consequences and accountability,” she said. “On the issue of immigration policy, let’s be smarter.”

The former San Francisco District Attorney also slammed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s comments as “ignorant” and representative of “someone who clearly cannot be a leader.”

Harris wasn't much of a leader either, but this did not prevent her from failing up and moving up the food chain. Fresh off her failed 2020 presidential run, and before she was chosen as then-VP Joe Biden's running mate, now-Senator Kamala Harris was busy on social media and entertainment shows to discuss how Joe Biden needed to win because of Trump's racist and transphobic policies, and the dangers his policies posed to public safety. It's rich.




And don't get Harris started about ICE and reimagining public safety by defunding the police. "Watch What Happens Live" host Andy Cohen did just that, and this was the Marxist gobblygook that emitted from her mouth.


Fast forward to 2024, where Kamala Harris is now the proposed Democrat nominee for president. In her campaign launch speech on Monday, Harris claimed her roles as California Attorney and prosecuting attorney as valuable experience in dealing with the felonious and criminal former President Donald Trump. In this, she made a mistake because she has basically challenged the American people, and especially Californians to dig up that record. Smart Californians, like attorney and advocate Julie Hamill and Republican Congressional candidate Alex Balekian, have done just that. On Fox News' "At Night with Trace Gallagher," they connected the dots for people outside of California, sounding the alarm on how Harris' record of "public service" was crucial to setting up the chain of events that has resulted in California's decline.



California GOP Congressman Kevin Kiley's timely contribution to the conversation was unearthing a 2015 letter AG Harris wrote to the Senate in opposition to the bill S. 2146, which sought to defund states (like California) that adopted sanctuary policies.

In the archives of the Office of the California Attorney General, this October 2015 bulletin tells more of the tale.

Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today sent a letter to United States Senators opposing S. 2146, the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act, legislation proposed by Senator David Vitter (R- Louisiana), which would potentially withhold federal funding from California law enforcement agencies who comply with the state Transparency and Responsibility Using State Tool Act (TRUST Act). 

In the letter, Attorney General Harris expresses concerns over this effort to undermine the delicate balance struck in California to protect public safety and strengthen the relationship of trust between law enforcement and communities. 

“I strongly believe that serious and violent criminals—whether undocumented or not—should be held accountable for their crimes.  But when local law enforcement officials are seen as de facto immigration agents, it erodes the trust between our peace officers and the communities we are sworn to serve,” Attorney General Harris stated in the letter.  “Criminal justice policy should not be conflated with national immigration policy.”

In June 2014, Attorney General Harris sent a bulletin to law enforcement agencies in California, outlining their responsibilities and potential liability for complying with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) federal detainer requests for undocumented immigrants.

The letter makes clear that California local law enforcement agencies are always able to notify ICE about serious criminals or those who pose a threat to public safety or national security.  The TRUST Act allows local law enforcement to notify ICE about serious criminals, while requiring that local agencies analyze public safety risks posed by an individual, including a review of the arrest offense and criminal history, before deciding whether to devote local resources to hold an undocumented immigrant on behalf of the federal government.


Fast forward 10 years, and San Diego is now the hotspot for illegal alien entry. The Border Patrol is busing in illegal border crossers and dropping them off in towns like El Cajon with no vetting and no follow-up. Many among this number are pedophiles and criminals. Exhibit A is Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez, the illegal alien who raped and murdered Maryland mother of five Rachel Morin. Hernandez has now been linked through DNA to a series of crimes, including the assault of a young girl in Los Angeles.

Hernandez is accused of raping and murdering Morin six months after illegally crossing the southern U.S. border. Law enforcement said the suspect had been on a “crime spree that started in El Salvador and then multiple cities across the United States.”

DNA evidence linked him to a “a home burglary and assault of a girl in Los Angeles on March 26, 2023,” the New York Post reported. Authorities had video evidence from the crime but did not know the suspect’s identity. [...]

Hernandez is affiliated with violent street gangs in El Salvador, the report said. He is accused of the aggravated murder there after he left a bar with a woman whose body was later found just weeks before he illegally entered the U.S.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler blamed Biden’s “failed immigration policies” for Morin’s death, saying: “This is the second time in just two years that an innocent Harford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally.”


This is Kamala Harris' record and legacy in California and, as the No. 2 in the Biden-Harris administration, in the nation. Imagine what further havoc she can wrought if she is allowed to become president?


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