Happy Anniversary RedState! Thanks for Allowing Me to Be a Part of the Movement and the Magic

Kira Davis, Jennifer Oliver O'Connell, Jennifer Van Laar, Amfest 2022. (Credit: Jennifer Oliver O'Connell)

Happy 20th Anniversary to RedState! RedState was one of the publications I regularly followed when I first started political writing and blogging back in 2010. I even briefly explored the old diaries before I got tapped to write for other conservative outlets. In 2020, I was excited and proud to be invited to become a part of Team RedState—it was one of the best things to come out of that truly awful year. I was brought on by then-Deputy Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar and former Editor-at-Large Kira Davis as a contributor on California politics and the evil AB5 law. But this platform has afforded me the freedom and opportunity to expand my voice and brand in a multitude of ways.


I have been As the Girl Turns for over 15 years now, and I have worked very hard to develop my unique voice and explore writing and subjects that really matter to me: from investigations, local politics, and pro-life causes, to the stories of the everyman and everywoman. While I’ll always be a political junkie, I don’t always want to talk about politics—it’s a big, interesting world out there, and much of it transcends people’s political leanings. So, I have most enjoyed bringing you the weekly Feel-Good Fridays, which I started writing in 2021. Another high water mark of my time with RedState is having my 2021 article, “I Do Not Come to Praise Fauci, But to Bury Him,” featured on Real Clear Politics. When I first entered the conservative spaces, Real Clear Politics was (and still is) an apex of achievement for any political writer; so I was honored to have been selected for their front page. I have also been given the chance to interview and highlight conservative voices and conservative candidates who are making a difference not only for the cause of conservatism but for the sake of the country. It is my association with RedState that has afforded me these opportunities.

The only thing I love as much as writing on politics is analyzing and pontificating about it. So, the offers to do analysis on radio, podcast, and television programs have been tremendous, including a radio hit on Townhall colleague Larry O'Connor's radio program—and I owe that to being a part of Team RedState. 


The collegial and collaborative environment created by the team of RedState editors and writers is top-notch. I have worked with other newsgroups and in different workspaces, and I can say that we have one of the best teams in the industry, hands down. I have especially delighted in getting to know and spend time with my fellow writers Scott Hounsell, Jeff Charles, Brandon Morse, Jim Thompson, Dennis Santiago, Andrew Malcolm, Neil McCabe, Becky Noble, Ward Clark, Brittany Sheehan, and Matt Funicello through conservative conferences like CPAC, conventions like Turning Point USA’s AmFest, and other opportunities to meet up. The elusive Robert Hahn was present at one of the Florida CPACs, so it was good to actually see him in the flesh. Brad Slager is my favorite barfly, and we do some quality drinking when we get a chance to hang out. Streiff has become a dear friend and mentor, and it was wonderful spending time with him and his lovely lady inside and outside of CPAC this year. 

When my husband and I were traveling across the country to spy out the land in Alabama, Scott Hounsell was doing work in Texas; so, we found a way to meet up for brunch! I have been a huge fan of the writings of Mike Miller and Sister Toldjah (a/k/a Stacey Matthews) from the early blogosphere years, so even though I have yet to meet them in person, I am truly living the dream to have the opportunity to work and interact with them. One day I hope to meet Bonchie and Nick Arama; they are as incognito to us writers as they are to you, so it will be quite a moment when that happens!


I got to travel with Deputy Managing Editor Susie Moore after February's CPAC, and we had a grand time of conversation on the road, accompanied by the beautiful late winter scenery of the East and Midwest. Editor Becca Lower and I got to (wo)man the Townhall Media booth at AmFest 2022 right in her home state of Arizona. She took the time to make and bring me a most delicious Keto-friendly dish because she knew I was on a specialty diet. She is as thoughtful as she is talented. Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar, Editor Bob Hoge, and his beautiful bride Roxanne came out and supported me on the launch of my 2022 book, "The Making of An American Hip-Hop Tycoon," with co-author Benjamen Janey. It was held on a school night in the middle of downtown Los Angeles, and they traveled from the hinterlands of the San Fernando Valley and Ventura County to celebrate me and the publication. That is the epitome of friendship and commitment! 

I believe the Team is why RedState has maintained its unique perspective, fresh reporting, and cutting-edge quality that keeps it on the forefront of conservative media. The Left likes to talk about diversity being a strength, but we actually live it here at RedState, with writers and editors from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and areas of expertise peppered across the United States, and even across the pond (looking at you, Ben Kew).


Now, I get to maintain as a part of Team RedState in the deep South, and have no plans of going anywhere. Should the bosses and the editors wish to keep me around, I hope I have many more years to look forward to, with lots of political coverage and many more stories to share.


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