Gavin Newsom Lies About Wearing a Mask at the NFC Championship Playoffs, but More Video and Photo Evidence Smashes That to Smithereens

Jim Thompson original

Governor Hair Gel, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, and the useless L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti were skewered last night on social media for their rank hypocrisy in disregarding their own mask mandates. All of them posed for photos with Magic Johnson without a face diaper in sight. Back in October of 2021, Johnson tried to shame Kyrie Irving about Irving’s refusal to be vaccinated, while hugging his double-vaxxed and boosted self up against California’s ruling class and celebrity attendees.


No social distancing to be seen for miles. As if anyone is surprised.

In COVID world, is this not considered, “unsafe”? Where are the Football Karens when they’re needed?!

Newsflash to the Branch Covidians: The vaccinated and boosted can still spread COVID. Johnson is HIV positive, and therefore immunocompromised, so he should know better.

Both Johnson and Newsom completely fail to practice what they preach.

What. A. Shock.

In the wake of the negative coverage by the legacy media and our own Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar, at a press conference Monday afternoon, Newsom tap danced and lied when he was asked by a reporter about the photo with Johnson, maskless, and in close contact.

“I was very judicious yesterday. Very judicious, and you’ll see in the photo that I did take. Magic was kind enough, generous enough to ask me for a photograph, in my left hand is my mask and I took a photo. The rest of the time I wore it, as we all should. Not when I had a glass of water or a thing, and I encourage everybody else to do so. And, that’s it.”

Newsom would have liked for it to be the end of the conversation, but a Fox 11 reporter wouldn’t allow him to pivot, and volleyed this pointed question:

Fox11: “I know you probably want to make that the last word on this, but given your history with this issue, should you not have reconsidered taking the mask off for the photo for the image it might send?”

Newsom: “Of course, I was trying to be gracious… and I made a… I mean, you know… I was trying to be gracious and only took the mask off for a brief second. But no, I encourage people to continue to wear it.”


Uh huh.

Just like with the French Laundry debacle in November of 2020, the photo and video taken on Sunday prove that Newsom is simply lying and trying to worm his way out of admitting that he is just a hypocrite.

RNC Research pulled up this video of Newsom greeting Magic. Do we see any mask covering his face as he walks up and leans in to give Magic a hug?

But of course, Newsom’s response is: “You going to believe me, or you going to believe your lying eyes?”

One of my Twitter followers sent me another photo showing a different angle of His Hairfulness, with no mask in sight, and neither drinking nor eating.

So, Hair Gel, tell us again how “judicious” you were? We are all ears.

Los Angeles Fox News correspondent Elex Michaelson came to Newsom’s defense, showing pictures of Newsom in his box seat with mask in place.


The “home grown team” doing its work.

However, Michaelson seems to be missing the salient point. If Newsom can put on his mask and take it off when he chooses, why is he preventing children, and everyone else in the state who is not a celebrity, an elected official, or one of his closest friends, from doing the same?

Michaelson’s defense tweet went over as well as Hair Gel’s lies:

Either way it’s a bad, hypocritical look for the Governor given the mandates, including for school children. He should have left the game or not gone at all.

And this mom said it best:

So what our kids learn from this is that they can take off their masks when they feel like it? Mask optional? I’ll take that deal.

In certain parts of the state, we’ve already taken that tack. We can play, “Follow Dear Leader” on this one with no problem. Aside from L.A. County, much of Southern California, and the majority of Northern California gave Newsom’s reinstitution of the mask mandate the middle finger the minute he announced it.

As usual, Newsom quickly deflected from criticism of him, with a bright, shiny, object to get the reporters focused on something else. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Look, over here!

“I wanted to say this, because it’s important. Today is an important day. We are down to 14.5 positivity, which is an encouraging sign. It is remarkable that 14.5 percent positivity would be considered an encouraging sign. But we are seeing a significant decline in the number of confirmed cases of Omicron.


And just in time for the SuperBowl in two weeks. Praise the Lord! It’s a miracle!

We’re seeing decompression now of the hospitals and ICUs, we’re seeing declining numbers in the hospitals and the ICUs. And we are working actively, as I think I previewed to a number of you, on an endemic plan, not a pandemic plan of the state. I keep previewing it, because I’m very enthusiastic about the progress we are making with this draft. In the next couple of weeks we’ll be releasing that endemic plan: How we live with the virus, how we address and live with the surges, what we’ve learned, what protocols we encourage to be in place, and how we believe we’ll process things moving forward.

Because, tHe SCieNcE! Californians know there is no moving forward with this man at the helm. This is yet another distraction to keep people focused on the theater, rather than the reality.

So, working on all of those things. But again, we need to be vigilant. We need to maintain that vigilance. I did so, with that one exception.”

Yeah, right.

Monday is also the day the California Legislature is ramming through AB 1400 which would impose single-payer healthcare on everyone and remove any private insurance options. Newsom is also moving death row inmates from San Quentin to other prisons as he seeks to overrule the will of the people and remove the death penalty from the state.


As I have warned before, what they don’t want you to pay attention to is always far worse.




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