As Newsom Flosses His K-12 Education Budget, the Orange Co. Board of Ed. Sues Him Over Mask Mandate

AP Photo/Marta Lavandier

It looks like His Hairfulness plans on education are being challenged by the County of Orange. Specifically, Newsom’s mandate that K-12 students are required to wear masks for in-person learning.


In his interview with the editorial boards of major news outlets, Hair Gel crowed that,

[…]he’s particularly proud of the record-breaking education spending he negotiated with lawmakers this year in the budget, which implements a host of policies, including adding a new grade to California schools called transitional kindergarten and increases funding for summer school.

“If they kick me out. I’m gonna feel good about what we just did, and not ever regret a damn thing,” he said. “We put it all out there on this education budget.”

Putting it all out there for Newsom is all about throwing money at what he considers an issue, rather than drilling down to the core issue: Allowing children to safely return to in-person learning and giving them an environment where they can be free to be kids. Requiring masks is neither safe for their developing lungs and immune systems, and it is the antithesis to freedom. Hence, partly why the OC Board of Education decided this required push back.

From local Fox11 News:

The Orange County Board of Education plans to sue Gov. Gavin Newsom over the state’s mandate that K-12 students must wear masks indoors for the upcoming school year.

The board voted Tuesday night to pursue a legal challenge to Newsom’s ongoing assertion of emergency rule-making powers due to the coronavirus pandemic, specifically the school mask mandate, which was issued last month.

“When necessary, the board will fight to protect the health, safety and welfare of our county’s kids at school.  Unfortunately, with the governor’s most recent action to force Orange County’s children, even those as young as 5 and 6 years old, to endure an academic year covering their faces for hours on end, the time to fight has come again,” according to a statement on the board’s website.


This is not the first time the OC BOE has squared off against Newsom over his executive mandates. They got to the heart of the reasoning behind this lawsuit in their statement:

“Putting aside for the moment the lack of a sound medical or scientific basis for the governor’s requirement to mask school children — who in general are neither at risk from COVID-19 nor likely to spread it — and also putting aside the lack of any thoughtful, well-considered and transparent balancing of the substantial harms of forced masking of juveniles against the purported benefits, the governor and his state-level executive agencies do not have the power to continue the state of emergency indefinitely, and to continue to suspend the Administrative Procedure Act to circumvent normal agency rulemaking requirements,” according to the statement. “Indeed, the California Emergency Services Act (Cal. Gov’t Code Sec. 8629) requires the governor to ‘proclaim the termination of a state of emergency at the earliest possible date that conditions warrant.’

When Newsom reopened the state on June 15, he made it clear he was not relinquishing his executive powers. Like a crack addict gripping their pipe, Newsom is holding a tight grip on these powers to wield them when it suits him. So, he could (and probably will) call for another lockdown, using the excuse of the Delta variant, or whatever he can come up with.

The man cannot be recalled soon enough.

As I write, a judge has issued a tentative ruling against the Recall organizers that Newsom can brand the Recall against him as a “Republican” effort in the official voter guide. This is a pyrrhic victory, because as long as Newsom is in office, he will continue to be sued over his unconstitutional mandates. Over the past year, he has been sued over 30 times, and has lost the majority of these, most recently his ability to break his own laws so he can be designated Democrat on the Recall ballot.


California counties have been heartened and emboldened by the success of prior lawsuits and they are being backed by legal organizations like The Center for American Liberty, Liberty Counsel, and others. Organizations such as Reopen California Schools and Let Them Breathe are also suing His Hairfulness (along with the ghouls at the California Department of Public Health) for the harm inflicted on children by Newsom’s reopening policies.

So the governor can hang on to his powers and try to wield them; after last year, people are fed up and will rise up by any means necessary.


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