Head of Trauma in Contra Costa, CA Fired for Questioning COVID Restrictions While CA Unions Canvass for Stacey Abrams

(AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Dr. Michael deBoisblanc is a trauma surgeon and medical director of Trauma and Regional Services for John Muir Health in Contra Costa County, California. For context, the County is about an hour or so East of San Francisco.


As of last Friday, Dr. deBoisblanc no longer holds this position.

Dr. deBoisblanc, along with two other doctors, wrote a letter to Contra Costa County’s Health Director and the Board of Supervisors, basically stating that they believed students and small businesses were suffering unnecessarily under the COVID restrictions. These doctors also said they were deeply concerned about the lockdowns and that science is clear that more lockdowns lead to much more non-COVID morbidity and mortality. This is not news, The CDC’s Dr. Robert Redfield said as much in hearings before Congress.

Dr. deBoisblanc did an interview with Dr. Drew Pinsky in order to tell his side of the story. In this interview, we discover that Dr. deBoisblanc was the victim of a media disinformation attack. Por Que? Because he dared to question the wisdom and the efficacy of the government betters in imposing lockdown orders. Dr. deBoisblanc wasn’t following the party line, therefore he had to be discredited and destroyed.

That’s all. That’s it. This is a man of “SCIENCE” as California’s Governor Hair Gel likes to constantly spout. But when the scientist questions the wisdom of the bureaucrats, guess whose version of science wins out?

The meat of Dr. deBoisblanc’s statement on his firing is about 10 minutes from the start of the video, but the rest of the interview is worth the listen. You see, government bureaucrats only see us as disease vectors and profit centers. So, it is refreshing to hear an actual clinician discuss the COVID insanity from a human and patient care perspective.


Dr. deBoisblanc is a trauma surgeon who graduated from Tulane Medical School and has over 25 years of actual clinical and practical experience. He isn’t some bloated political appointee like Fauci and Birx, who have spent more time making models and writing policy papers than they have actually seeing patients. Dr. deBoisBlanc actually develops relationships with his patients and their unique construction. He also has military combat experience. According to his Bass Medical Group profile, he has been deployed overseas with the US Army Reserve as a surgeon. He has served in the Balkans, Iraqi, and Afghanistan combat theaters.

In other words, Dr. deBoisblanc is neither a quack nor a lightweight. He’s seen humans battling injury, sickness, and disease in a multitude of stages, and if he is a combat surgeon, he knows how to assess and think on his feet.

Here is what Dr. deBoisBlanc said to Dr. Drew about Contra Costa County throwing him under the bus:

“Probably the most upsetting thing for me was when our County came out and said physicians often have their own opinions based on their own practice patterns and experiences, but WE are following science. You know, that’s what the County said in response to my comments.

“I’m not aware of any science of pulling the plug on the economy, sheltering in place for 6-8 weeks, taking away people’s entire support system, isolating them, either losing your job, going on unemployment, I mean, those sort of stressors, there is no science on what happens when you do that to people.”


An NBC Bay Area reporter interviewed Laura Magu, a local restaurant owner, and she also felt that Dr. deBoisblanc was targeted.

“Dr. Michael deBoisblanc is being punished for taking a stand for the community and small businesses, questioning if outdoor dining is really causing the spread of COVID-19.

“ ‘I’m happy medical professionals are asking, I don’t know anything, I’m not a scientist,’ said Magu.

“Magu said it’s sad one doctor is getting push back.

“ ‘For some reason, when other people try to voice their opinions that goes against the narrative no one wants to hear it,’ said Magu.”


In other California news, a “field team” from California’s Unite Here Local 11 went to Georgia to partner with Stacey Abrams’ New Georgia Project. Are they campaigning for all the candidates in the Senate runoff? Are Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue getting some additional resources?

Not likely. The Unite Here Local 11 members were deployed to get out the vote for Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and John Ossoff, dressed in full-on PPE and doing the electric slide!

“Unite Here Local 11 posted about its ground game in Georgia on Dec. 15. The union signed a petition demanding Los Angeles County ‘enact stay at home orders that are strict enough to truly suppress the virus by closing all non-essential businesses and activities in the County, for the first four weeks of January’ on Dec. 16.”


So, what did California’s Health Director Dr. Mark Ghaly announce a few days ago? An extension of stay-at-home orders through January. Notice no one is giving a definitive date — they don’t want to be held accountable.

So, not only are actual medical doctors discredited for questioning restrictions and bureaucratic decisions that impact patient care, now we have members of Big Labor, some of them who don’t even have college degrees, dictating policy on continuing lockdowns. It is positively Orwellian.

My colleague streiff composed a blistering article The Lies by Fauci, Birx, Redfield and Others Come Home to Roost as at-Risk Healthcare Workers Refuse the Wuhan Vaccine that dovetails nicely:

“For public health programs to work, people must believe that the people setting policy are acting transparently and for the greater good. That trust has been irrevocably broken by the corrupt and self-serving way that Fauci & Friends have lied, misled, and dissembled throughout the past year. Right now you’d have to be a f***ing moron to believe one of these douches if they told you the sky was blue.”

A dear friend of mine is battling COVID. He is Hispanic and diabetic. He has been symptomatic for over 10 days and specifically asked not one, but two doctors for the hydroxychloroquine cocktail (Z-Pack/HCQ) to combat the virus. What did these two doctors do? Prescribed codeine and cough syrup and told him to quarantine for 14 days.


Instead of “flattening the curve” on COVID, the Powers That Be continue to flatten our trust of the health system and health providers. People are dying from COVID and otherwise because of it.


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