Hey guys,
As you know all too well, the policies coming out of Washington impact us all. Americans are sick and tired of all the spending, borrowing, bailouts, takeovers and debt that are mortgaging away our children’s future and destroying our way of life.
I’m running for Congress because we need to change the direction our nation is headed, and that change begins with:
· Removing Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House
· Balanced Budget Amendment that prevents out of control spending once and for all
· Term Limits for all elected officials
· No more bail outs
· Extend the Republican tax cuts
· Repealing and Replacing ObamaCare
In order for us to enact these principles and return our government to the Constitution, I need your vote on November 2nd and I need your help today! Please visit my website to learn how you can get involved.
God Bless,
Jeff Duncan is a small-business owner from Laurens, South Carolina and is the Republican nominee for Congress in the Third Congressional District. Jeff has been endorsed by the NRA, along with numerous conservative groups for his proven record of fighting against wasteful government spending and upholding the Constitution.
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