Matt Gaetz Seeks to Blow Up the Media's 'Border Czar' Lie

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is demanding answers on the “border czar” fiasco surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris. The lawmaker sent a letter to the Homeland Security Department (DHS) requesting information on all correspondence that calls Harris “Border Czar.”


The letter, obtained by Breitbart News, comes as the activist media tries desperately to convince the public that Harris was never referred to by the moniker despite numerous news reports suggesting otherwise.

After Harris appeared to become the Democrats’ de facto presidential nominee, PolitiFact alleged Harris’s designation as the “border czar” was “mostly false.” In turn, Axios changed its tune in July by claiming Harris “never actually had” the title. It previously reported on April 14, 2021, that Harris was “appointed by Biden as border czar” to visit Mexico and Guatemala to address border crossings.

To clarify the confusion, Gaetz wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding he uncover all communication at the agency using the terms “czar,” “border,” “migration,” or “immigration” when referring to Harris:

(1) all communications between the Office of the Vice President and any employee (including detailees) of the Department of Homeland Security, between March 24, 2021 and March 24, 2022, using the term “czar,” “border,” “migration,” or “immigration”;

(2) any communications of the Department of Homeland Security (including detailees), between March 24, 2021 and March 24, 2022, referring to Vice President Kamala Harris or the Office of the Vice President as “czar” or “lead,” or otherwise in any formal or informal chain-of-command related to border-policy issues; and

(3) any internal Department of Homeland Security directives or guidance, from 2021 to the present, referring to the Vice President or the Office of the Vice President as having any formal or informal clearance, approval, or stakeholder input on departmental decisions.


Ever since Harris became favored to win the Democratic nomination after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, the media has been in full spin mode, trying desperately to position her for success.

Unfortunately for the left, the immigration issue that has plagued the Biden administration will also affect Harris’ candidacy, especially since she was tasked with addressing the crisis at the southern border. The vice president’s ineptitude on the border crisis has been one of several factors that contributed to her record-low approval ratings, a fact that has become rather inconvenient for the left-wing press.

This is why Democrats are trying to rewrite history on the matter. RedState’s Brandon Morse highlighted the tactic shortly after the left began pretending the term “border czar” was a figment of our imagination. Axios attempted to defend her role in the border situation, arguing that she was never formally titled the “Border Czar.” However, this contradicts the outlet's prior reporting, which referred to her as such.

Even The New York Times had to admit that Harris’ role was more expansive than the media would have us believe, despite not having the official title “Border Czar.” She took on significant responsibilities related to border issues, including overseeing border security and diplomatic outreach to Central American countries, ostensibly to address the root causes of migration. This is a reality the left clearly wishes to conceal.


Perhaps Gaetz’s letter might shine some more light on the matter. But realistically, anyone who has been paying attention already knows the truth: Harris is largely responsible for the ongoing crisis at the southern border.


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