
Massachusetts Passes Controversial Bill Redefining Parenthood to Push Gender Ideology

AP Photo/Joerg Sarbach

Massachusetts’ government just moved the state closer to erasing the concept of biological sex in favor of replacing it with progressive gender ideology.

The state legislature recently passed Bill H4750, which aims to change the legal definition of parenthood and introduces provisions for commercial surrogacy. This move has kicked off a debate over the government’s role in defining gender and parenthood.

The bill, if signed into law by the governor, would replace the terms “mother” and “father” on birth certificates with gender-neutral terms such as “persons” and “person who gave birth,” according to Evie Magazine. It also makes it possible for parents to be paid to give up their children for adoption.

Parenthood is recognized based on biological connections or legal adoptions, providing a clear and stable framework for the upbringing of children. Bill H4750, however, aims to redefine parenthood based on a person's "intent to be a parent," rather than on biological or adoptive connections. This shift represents a profound change in the legal landscape, with significant consequences for families and society.

By stripping birth certificates of the terms "mother" and "father," the bill also effectively erases the biological basis of parenthood from official records. This change is an affront to the natural familial roles that have long been the bedrock of society, and the use of gender-neutral language undermines the recognition of the irreplaceable roles that mothers and fathers play in the lives of their children.

Another troubling aspect of the bill is its provisions related to commercial surrogacy. The measure allows for both gestational and genetic surrogacy, including cases where a woman carries a child to whom she is genetically related.

This would effectively legalize baby selling. It could permit a woman to be paid to give up her child for adoption. "Commercial surrogacy turns the deeply personal experience of childbirth into a transaction, reducing children to products and women to 'service providers,’” the author writes.

Author Katy Faust, in a post on X, argued that the bill “legalizes the commodification of children, beyond what the permissive surrogacy industry typically allows.”

Critics fear that the bill would permit extreme forms of surrogacy, where a woman could become pregnant and then sell her parental rights to the highest bidder. There are concerns about possible exploitation and abuse, especially among vulnerable women who might view surrogacy as a financial necessity. Some have questioned the ethics of such a trend, questioning whether it is moral to monetize the birthing of children.

From where I sit, this is just another way to erase the concept of biological sex in favor of progressive gender ideology. We have seen efforts on the hard left to convince, cajole, and coerce the public into accepting the notion that gender is fluid and people can change it at will. By replacing terms like “mother” and “father,” members of Massachusetts’ government seek to redefine the term “parent.”

This is only a harbinger of what is to come in other deep blue states. It would not be surprising to see similar legislation enacted in places like New York, California, and others. We have already seen folks on the left throw around terms like “birthing person” and promote the idea that men can also get pregnant. Progressives will not rest until the rest of us are willing to pretend their ridiculous ideas are valid, even if they have to use government force to do so.


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