Trump Rakes House Republicans Over the Coals for Failing to Defund Prosecution Efforts

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

Former President Donald Trump lashed out at House Republicans on Friday over the failure of an amendment to prevent the government from being weaponized against presidential candidates.


In a post on Truth Social, he singled out Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) for voting against the measure and took a jab at other Republican lawmakers who were not present for the vote.

Just heard from Great Congressman Andrew Clyde of Georgia that the Amendment to Defund the Prosecution of a Presidential Candidate prior to November’s Election did not pass, 26-25 - It lost by only one vote, because one Republican, Mike Simpson of Idaho, stupidly voted NO, and two “Republicans,” David Valadao of California and Dan Newhouse of Washington, the only two remaining Impeachers in the House of President Donald J. Trump, didn’t show up to vote. They must have had more important things to do. Also, Mike Garcia of California, David Joyce of Ohio, and Juan Ciscomani of Arizona, didn’t show up to vote. Thanks very much, fellas, for your great support!

Rep. Simpson in a statement acknowledged that the various charges and prosecution efforts against Trump are politically motivated, he had concerns about how the measure could be used to prevent investigations into other presidents.

Mr. Simpson said in a statement after the vote that while he believed that the charges and trials against Mr. Trump were politically motivated and “utter nonsense,” he was concerned about other implications that the amendment could have.

“I am grateful the Supreme Court has acted as a balancing force against the Democrats’ weaponization of the judicial system,” Mr. Simpson said. “However, prohibiting the use of funds for investigations sets a dangerous precedent — potentially limiting Republicans’ ability to investigate President Biden’s wrongdoings. For that reason, I could not support this amendment.”


The former president is facing several charges at the federal and state level. He was recently convicted in Manhattan for supposedly falsifying business records.

In August 2023, Rep. Clyde proposed two amendments aimed at defunding the prosecution efforts against Trump.

He is adding to the defense of the former president mounted by Trump allies in the House as they circle the wagons in the face of four indictments.

Clyde, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, on Monday announced plans for two amendments to the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) fiscal 2024 appropriations bill that would “prohibit the use of federal funding for the prosecution of any major presidential candidate prior to the upcoming presidential election on November 5th, 2024,” according to a press release.

One amendment would pertain to federal prosecutions and the other addresses federal funding for state prosecutions.

At the time, Clyde argued that voters should decide who is allowed to be president instead of “Deep State actors who have shamelessly attacked Donald Trump since he announced his first bid in 2015.”


“It is imperative that Congress use its power of the purse to protect the integrity of our elections, restore Americans’ faith in our government, and dismantle our nation’s two-tiered system of justice. I’m fully committed to helping lead this effort, and I call on my House Appropriations colleagues to join me in this righteous fight,” the lawmaker added.


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