
Is There a Reckoning Coming for 'Woke' District Attorneys?

AP Photo/Noah Berger

Are people living in American cities finally realizing that soft-on-crime district attorneys are making their lives more dangerous? It is still too early to tell, but the recent ouster of Portland District Attorney Mike Schmidt could be an indication that the people are finally getting fed up.

Over the past decade, prosecutors funded by George Soros and promoted by hard leftists managed to win critical prosecutor positions in states like California, New York, Oregon, and others. The results, as they say, speak for themselves. Not only did these areas see a drastic rise in crime, but the district attorneys in these positions showed themselves to be more intent on safeguarding criminals than the people they victimize.

With voters finally deciding to fire Schmidt, there could be indications that this might happen in other areas of the country as well. Given what happened to Portland over Schmidt’s tenure, it is not that surprising that voters chose his opponent instead of him:

Portland has not been immune to the scourge, and the quality of life in the city has severely deteriorated with the help of the now-fired Schmidt. The soon-to-be out-of-work prosecutor ran on "equity"-based policies and quickly made his mark after winning office in 2020:

Schmidt was elected May 2020 just before the death of George Floyd and the riots that pulverized cities across the country.

He vowed not to prosecute rioters unless there was evidence of 'deliberate property damage, theft, or threat of force, and of 550 cases referred by police just 47 went to trial.

Oregon became the first state to decriminalize possession of all hard drugs in 2020 and Schmidt raced to implement the measure several months before it took effect statewide.

Under his watch, fatal opioid overdoses surged, almost 800 homeless encampments and open-air drug markets sprang up in the city center, homicides went up, and retail theft caused more than 2,600 businesses to flee. It wasn’t all his fault—the idiotic city council voted to cut $15 million from the police budget in 2020 amid the defund the police movement.

Read more: You're FIRED! Portland Voters Hand Soft-on-Crime, Soros-Backed DA His Walking Papers

This trend could continue to pick up steam. Oakland District Attorney Pamela Price might also be on the chopping block due to a recall effort lodged by city residents who complain that she is far too lenient on crime – especially violent offenses.

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price could be getting the boot in November. The prosecutor, known for her lenient approach to violent crime, is set to face a recall vote later this month.

The recall effort has gained momentum over the past year due to her policies, which seem to prioritize protecting violent criminals instead of the people they harm. The outcry from the community has been fierce, which could spell trouble for the embattled DA.

Read more: California ‘Soft on Crime’ District Attorney Pamela Price Faces Recall in November

This follows other “woke” district attorneys who have been told their services are no longer needed. In 2022, San Francisco got rid of former district attorney Chesa Boudin. The same happened to Kim Gardner in St. Louis, Missouri, who resigned in disgrace.

Each of these individuals was known for their stated efforts to make the criminal justice system more just and less biased. However, it quickly became clear that, to these wayward souls, this meant letting violent people back on the street to commit more crimes.

Even though it may be too early to tell, we can hope that this is the start of a reckoning for officials who think it better to help criminals than civilians. Yes, there are some serious areas in which our criminal justice system should be improved. But much of what these people are doing has nothing to do with that. Instead, these people are pushing an extreme agenda that has nothing to do with keeping people safe.


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