On Sunday night, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) laid into the Democrats for their unfair attacks on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett who, if confirmed, will take the seat vacated by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who recently passed away. The senator compared the Democratic onslaught against Barrett to other nominees who had to endure similar smear campaigns in their effort to sit on the highest court in the land.
In an appearance on Fox News’ “Life, Liberty, and Levin,” Cruz told host Mark Levin how he views the ongoing attacks against the judge. “Well, it’s twisted and deranged, and they’re coming after her hard, and they’re coming after her family. I think it’s gonna get worse,” Cruz said.
The senator brought up Robert Bork’s infamous confirmation hearing, when he was subjected to vicious and dishonest attacks from Democratic lawmakers. “You know it really started with the confirmation hearing of Robert Bork and when Bork was nominated in ‘87,” he began. “It was the Democrats — Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy. They decided to declare war.”
Cruz elaborated, recounting the furor over Bork’s nomination. “That hearing featured, among other things, Ted Kennedy booming, ‘in Robert Bork’s America,’ and then he laid out this parade of horribles.” Cruz continued, noting that the Democrats ended up “destroying Bork so much so that his name became a verb — to ‘Bork’ someone.”
The Texas lawmaker then brought up Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ contentious confirmation process. He pointed out that later, the nation saw the attacks “replicated even uglier with Clarence Thomas” and recalled that “ Justice Thomas referred to it is a ‘high-tech lynching.’”
Cruz also discussed Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito’s and Brett Kavanaugh’s hearings as well. “I still remember Justice Alito’s wife reduced to tears as the Democrats went into the gutter, and then just recently, we saw it with Brett Kavanaugh. There’s a pattern.”
But then, the senator touched on a point that often goes unnoticed: the fact that Democratic Supreme Court nominees are not treated in the same fashion. “You know, it’s interesting, by the way, we don’t do that to Democratic nominees….[T]here’s never been a Democratic nominee who’s been ‘Borked.’ We’ll engage with them on substance, we’ll engage with them on issues,” Cruz insisted.
Unfortunately, Sen. Cruz is correct in his prediction. The Democrats began launching vile attacks against Barrett even before President Trump announced her nomination. Leftist leaders and their allies in the corporate press chided her for adopting two, Haitian children and practicing her Catholic faith.
Some media outlets perpetuated nefarious lies about her religion, claiming that a group to which she belonged was the inspiration for the “Handmaid’s Tale novel, which depicts an America in which women are oppressed by a tyrannical theocracy. Others on the left are so desperate to defame Barrett that they even pretended to believe that she might be involved in human trafficking
These ridiculous smears are only the beginning. But it’s worth noting that Barrett does provide a unique challenge for the left. The left used questionable allegations of sexual impropriety against Thomas and Kavanaugh, and while both offensives failed, it tarnished their confirmation processes. Unfortunately for the Democrats, they will not be able to concoct a similar scheme with Barrett, which means they will have to get rather creative.
It seems unlikely that they will be able to create a controversy on par with the two men, but there can be no doubt that they will try. But with the election drawing nearer, and the hearing set to start in about a week, will they really have time to launch an effective smear campaign against Barrett?
Probably not. But they might seek ways to stall the hearings until after the election, which is yet another improbable scenario. Barrett’s battle will be a tough one, but unless something drastic happens, she will be sitting on the Supreme Court just in time to help to determine the result of this sure-to-be-contested presidential election.
Watch the full Cruz interview below, via Fox News:
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