President Donald Trump just got some good news. Despite the ongoing efforts of the progressive corporate press, his approval rating remains steady. A recent Gallup poll showed that his numbers match his highest approval rating over the course of his presidency.
But it also shows some even more encouraging when it comes to his chances for re-election.
At this point in Trump’s presidency, his approval ratings top four of the last six presidents, including Barack Obama and George W. Bush at this time in their first terms. The fact that Trump is facing a constant barrage of criticism due to the COVID-19 outbreak shows a remarkable resilience in his numbers.
According to The Washington Examiner, this number puts Trump “a hair away from the generally accepted 50%-51% approval political experts consider a lock to win reelection.’ Both Bush and Obama’s ratings sat at 50% on the days they were re-elected.
There are indications that the American public might be turning against the corporate media due to their coverage of the Trump administration’s handling of the virus and the economy. A recent McLaughlin & Associates survey shows that 48% of participants believe the press has been unfair to the president.
Another poll, which was conducted by YouGov and The Economist showed that only one-third of voters blame Trump for the coronavirus’ harmful impact on the American economy. Numbers like these indicate a devastating lack of trust in the Fourth Estate, which has been hellbent on destroying Trump’s presidency by turning public opinion against him.
While nobody has a magic crystal ball that would allow them to predict the victor in November’s election, the odds do seem to be in Trump’s favor. A number of polls show Biden with a slight lead, but the fact that Americans are becoming more distrustful of the media could easily swing the election in Trump’s direction.
Moreover, Biden continues to show himself to be a dreadfully inept candidate. With his penchant for gaffes and his seemingly aged-related lapses in his mental capacity, it’s difficult to believe that Americans – even those who don’t like Trump – will cast their votes for the former vice president. The fact that Biden’s voter enthusiasm numbers are in the tank isn’t going to help him either.
It’s still too early to tell. But at this point, it seems that the 2020 election is his to lose.
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