The current bill under consideration by the House of Representatives has its critics. From organizations that enjoy the federal government largesse of Obamacare to wobbly Senators who are hedging on eliminating Medicaid expansion and conservatives saying, “This is not what we promised,” there’s plenty to go around.
Representative Dave Brat was on CNN, and he voiced his displeasure about the current bill, arguing many of the provisions in Obamacare are being shuffled around and renamed but are still the same as current law.
Brat also makes a point I wrote about on March 7th, that without a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the regulatory burden of the law will remain even if some of the provisions are taken out.
There is a going to be a contentious debate about Obamacare. The person who is going to have to step up and make the case is none other than President Donald Trump.
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