Donald Trump Goes Birther On Ted Cruz. Cruz Attacks...Marco Rubio?


A lot of people don’t like Ted Cruz. I happen to be one of those people that do. If Cruz gets the GOP nomination, I will support him with money and time. I can understand from a tactical point, Cruz’s hesitance to go after Donald Trump on various issues. Even now, with Donald Trump going full birther and accusing Cruz of supporting amnesty, Cruz has been relatively quiet.


However, for some goofball reason, Cruz has decided to take some comments made about John McCain, who said Cruz’s eligibility to President is “worth looking into”, and uses it to attack Marco Rubio of all people!

“I think it is no surprise to anybody that John McCain is going to be supporting Marco Rubio in this election,” Cruz told Mark Halperin of Bloomberg’s “With All Due Respect.” “It’s no surprise at all that he’s trying to do what he can to help the candidate that he’s favoring who he thinks shares policy positions with him.”

The Texas senator’s rebuttal comes hours after McCain said during a Phoenix radio interview that Cruz’s birth abroad and his eligibility to become president is “worth looking into.”

“I think there is a question,” McCain said.

Now note that McCain said he thinks that is a question. Trump however, went much further:

The issue was first raised by Republican front-runner Donald Trump on Monday. “Republicans are going to have to ask themselves the question: ‘Do we want a candidate who could be tied up in court for two years?’ That’d be a big problem,” he told The Washington Post.

Yet Cruz hasn’t said much of anything to Trump other than to tweet at him a YouTube video. And Rubio? What did he say about Cruz’s eligibility? This:


Sen. Marco Rubio said Thursday that he doesn’t think GOP presidential rival Sen. Ted Cruz’s Canadian birth is an issue, disagreeing with Donald Trump, who suggested that haziness about whether Cruz meets the legal requirements to be president could become a complication for the GOP.

The Florida senator told reporters after a town hall at a community college automotive building that he didn’t agree with Trump: “I don’t think that’s an issue.”

So Rubio defends Cruz on the issue and how does Cruz repay him? By attacking him because of something John McCain said.

It’s nonsense such as this where Cruz obtains his reputation for being somebody nobody really likes. Donald Trump is doing to Cruz what he did to Barack Obama several years ago and attacking Cruz on his immigration policies and somehow through some kind of weird osmosis, he finds a reason to attack Marco Rubio.

Lame, Senator Cruz. Lame.


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