I must admit, I’m happy my state has two Republican Senators, Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson. It’s certainly better than the alternative, whether one or two Democrats. However, there are so many times that I wish they’d give us conservatives more than what they’d do.
So, for once, I am happy to see one of my guys taking the lead on an issue, especially one as dangerous and pressing as SWATting. Sen. Chambliss sent out a press release today saying the following:
Today, U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder regarding recent reports that several conservative political commentators have been targeted with harassing and frightening actions. Chambliss demanded that Holder examine these cases to determine if federal laws have been violated.
Thank you, Sen. Chambliss. It’s good to know someone on the Hill is listening. Maybe he can get Orrin Hatch to help get more Senators behind this. I’ve included below the fold some highlights from the former’s letter to Eric Holder on the matter (full version is in the press release).
The use of SWAT-ting as a harassment tool is apparently not new, but its use as a tool for targeting political speech appears to be a more recent development…While these incidences are currently small in number, and have fortunately not led to any accidental physical harm, they are extremely concerning. The perpetrators appear to be targeting individuals who are vigorously exercising their First Amendment rights to political speech…Regardless of any potential political differences that may exist, threats and intimidation have no place in our national political discourse. Those who choose to enter into that political discourse should not have to worry about potential threats to their or their family’s safety.
Preach it, Senator!
Will Eric Holder respond to Chambliss’ letter by the date specified (June 29th, 2012)? If it’s like how he’s responded to the Black Panthers at the voting stations, I wouldn’t hold my breath. Let’s see where this goes, and in the mean time, get in touch with you Senators and Representatives and tell them to follow Senator Chambliss’ lead.
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