Watercooler 3/13/2017 Open Thread: Oh, What the !@#$...


University Holding ‘Nap-Ins’ So Students Can Dream Of Diversity

American colleges and universities are rife with safe-space clinging, ungrateful Social Justice Warriors (students and educators alike) who habitually lament racist and sexist America. But now, Southern Illinois University has devised a brilliant plan to help heal this great ill: Take naps and literally dream about diversity! The university is hosting “nap-ins” at the Morris Library, where students can dream of diversity as part of the three-week Dreaming Diversity Art Installation, which kicked off on Monday.


College RA Tells White Girls That Wearing Hoop Earrings is Cultural Appropriation

A residential advisor at Pitzer College sent a campus-wide email informing students—white women, in particular—that they should stop wearing hoop earrings. Hooped earrings “actually come from a historical background of oppression and exclusion,” wrote Alegria Martinez, according to The Claremont Independent. “Why should white girls be able to take part in this culture?”

College Students Support Freedom For Muslim Singers But Not Christian Photographers

Alliance Defending Freedom asked students at the University of Wisconsin if they thought a dress designer should have the freedom not to design a dress for Melania Trump. They said “absolutely.” The students also thought a Muslim should have the right to turn down singing at a Christian church. But when they are asked if a Christian photographer should have the right not to photograph a same-sex wedding, their answers uncomfortably change.
Sometimes, there are things that make you go “Uh, I beg your pardon?” What I find amazing about so many of these stories is that these “young skulls full of mush” (h/t Rush Limbaugh) have so much time on their hands. As revolutionary as it sounds…taking it to the streets to the sound of “marchin’, chargin’ feet, boy”…after working all day and then coming home and taking care of my dogs and myself, I am left with about two hours of quiet time before lights out. 0400 comes around awful early the next day. IF they actually graduate, and IF they have an education and a skillset that is in demand with employers, and IF they can keep their myopic views and opinions to themselves, they MIGHT just succeed in life. On the other hand…
Let’s contemplate his prophetic words, and enjoy the open thread…


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