If you are in the Chicago area, next weekend you can come watch me reach a personal milestone.
I’m delivering my first actual sermon.
And that’s the prayer request.
I enrolled at Reformed Theological Seminary last year and have begun pursuing my Masters in Biblical Studies. I decided against the M.Div because I really don’t have the time to master Greek and Hebrew.
I started down this path because I spend so much time these days talking and writing about cultural and faith issues. Likewise, more and more pastors have asked if I’d like to be a guest preacher on a Sunday morning. I kept turning down the invitations and finally figured I should go to seminary so I would actually feel like I could do that. I am also increasingly aware that, whether I like it or not, I do have a ministry both through RedState and through my radio show. I know what the Bible says about pastors leading the flock astray and think going to seminary was a wise couse of action.
Months ago I got asked if I’d participate in an apologetics conference in Chicago. I felt like I could say yes in good conscience. If you are in the Chicago area, register here and come see me.
The text will be Acts 6:8 to 7:1. The topic will be on the role of believers in the public square. Whether you can come or not, I’d appreciate any prayers you’re willing to give.
If you do want to come, you need to register for the event.
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