So That Explains the Buzzfeed Hit

Buzzfeed and much of the rest of the press is covering the bizarre behavior of an Uber executive who wanted to dig up dirt on at least one journalist. I love Uber, but geez they behavior like Nixon runs the joint. My 9 year old and I used Uber all through New York City last week. It was a great experience.


In any event, last year Rosie Gray at Buzzfeed contacted me. She was preparing a hit on me based on “sources” who claimed I was being paid by Uber to promote Uber.

It was not true. Instead of responding, I posted her email on RedState and ridiculed them. Naturally, Buzzfeed’s response was that I was clearly guilty and preemptively spinning or some such.

The whole thing was a laugh riot. But it was a weird attack. It did not seem like a political attack or the accusations a political opponent would make.

Well, we may now have the answer to where the story came front. And it is worth noting as Buzzfeed continues to beat the snot out of Uber in its reporting that it might have the very conflict of interest and disclosure problem that Buzzfeed wanted to accuse me of.


This explains so much.

It also makes me wonder how much of the attacks on Uber are originating within tech community Lyft investors in Uber competitors.

UPDATE: Sean notes at The Federalist it is not Lyft, but a different competitor.


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