Think Progress: It's the Army's Fault We Traded Five Terrorists

The shark has officially been jumped by the left. Think Progress, the left wing site that has no intellectual honesty, actually has a post entitled “Did Sergeant Bergdahl Desert The Army Or Did The Army Desert Him?


They allege that Bowe Bergdahl might have been mentally ill and the Army should have done a better job of dealing with him instead of letting him wander off base.

First, doesn’t that make Joe Scarborough’s comments about Bergdahl’s father exactly accurate?

Second, really? I mean really? The guy leaves the base in search of the Taliban and it is the army’s problem? This is desperate spin from desperate people who still can’t answer one question: why trade five terrorists for one deserter? No one is saying we should have left Bowe Bergdahl in Afghanistan. But a lot of people are asking if this deal to get him home was worth it.

Again people, it is time to laugh at the left. In their desperation to salvage a narrative, they’re left with this. Next they’ll be hoping Bowe Bergdahl pulls a Bradley Manning and becomes Chelsea. Then he’ll no longer have mental issues, just a lifestyle choice we should all honor and respect.


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