We Must Support Ken Cuccinelli #standwithken


We have not done this in a while. Perhaps, in growing up, we let go of some things of our youth we should not have let go. One of those was raising money in a coordinated effort for solid candidates.


We must start doing that again. And so today I want to ask you to make a commitment. RedState endorses Ken Cuccinelli for Governor of Virginia and we want you to join us in giving him a contribution. I have personally given him $50.00 already to get this going. Will you join me? Match me, double me, triple me, or just give what you can.

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is running for Governor of Virginia. He is not just opposed by the Democrats, but by big business Republicans who want a Governor who will give them the taxpayers’ money for their purposes. Ken has been very clear — he will not use government to pick winners and losers in business. Big business hates that.

Ken Cuccinelli is for Virginians, not major corporations wanting their tax dollars. He is also, unlike Terry McAullife, of Virginia through and through. We need to help him. He is going to be outspent and we need to even the odds. If he loses, the left and Republican Establishment will together assail conservatives.

Ken must win. We must help.

How fast can we raise him $10,000.00? Just how fast? In the past, it has taken RedState one day to that. Can we do it again? Throughout the day, can you help us? Can you have your friends help us?


Donate now to Ken Cuccinelli. He is RedState’s pick for Governor of Virginia. He needs your help. Give what you can. Send your friends to actright.com/ken.

Can we raise Ken Cuccinelli $10,000.00 today? Can we go back to our roots, open our wallets, and help Ken Cuccinelli? Will you, on your own website, in your own emails, with your own friends, link to the donation site and help make this a team effort?

I stand with Ken. You should too. Let’s help Virginia avoid Terry McAuliffe.

Please note that you will receive a receipt from ActRight.com, which is our processing vehicle of choice for this campaign. 100% of your contribution will go to Ken Cuccinelli.


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