The shameless shills for the Democrats. That would be the media of course. Consider just the latest example.
On Friday, the Democratic National Committee released this memo claiming the Republicans had spent the month of May “overreaching” on the IRS investigation.
By Monday morning, the Washington press corps rallied.
Greg Sargent at the Washington Post declared, “It’s very clear that GOP scandal overreach is now prompting a real media backlash.” Sargent linked to another Washington Post writer at The Fix who declared, “The IRS is a good political issue for Republicans. But are they in dangers of overreaching on it?”
Glenn Thrush of the Politico tweeted, “Obama always lucky when it comes to his enemies: These House investigations would so much more damaging if Rs showed discipline/restraint.”
Ron Fournier of National Journal joined in with a retweet of a Democratic operative who wrote, “House Rs always overplay their hand. they can’t help themselves.”
Even former RNC Chairman Michael Steele got in on the act using the the word “overreach.”
My buddy Sean Davis documented it all in a timeline. But we’re not done. I’ve got the audio.
Keep in mind, the DNC sent this out some time Friday. On Monday morning, former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs picked up the talking point. “Republicans are on the verge of overplaying their hand publicly and the American people will lose interest in their side of this,” he said in part.
It spiraled out of control the rest of the day. My radio producer, Cristina, put together a montage of the day. Listen to this small sample from yesterday afternoon.
The DC press corps really is a useful tool of the Democrats.
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