I want to give special mention this morning at both the top of the Morning Briefing and the top of RedState to the Washington Examiner. Often, conservatives complain that Barack Obama has not been vetted. Honestly, he hasn’t really been vetted. We do not know a lot about Barack Obama from his time before the United States Senate. Much of what we could learn has conveniently disappeared. The few things we do know — like his connections to terrorist Bill Ayers — are dismissed by the media.
The Washington Examiner has spent a lot of time and a great deal of effort vetting Barack Obama in a way the majority of the press corp never would and still won’t. They did it objective, including dismissing some urban legends about the President. But there is a lot there, from a childhood more privileged that the Obama campaign would have you believe to a law practice less noble than they would have you believe.
You need to click this link and check it out. The rest of the media won’t do this. At least the Washington Examiner did. They did a great job too.
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