A Letter From Neal Boortz to 'Dear Ruler' Obama

If you haven’t read this yet, you should.

Dear Ruler:First, let me say how thrilled I am that you went off-teleprompter last week.  This “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen” thing was just wonderful.  Now I know how Chris Matthews felt.Oh .. I know.  Your handlers weren’t all that thrilled with your amazing screw-up, and, frankly, they have been worried this day was coming for a long time.  They know how you feel about the private sector.  They know of your antipathy toward free enterprise and those evil small businessmen out there who are not likely to support your move to a government centrally-controlled economy.  They had hoped to keep your true feelings in check with those teleprompters … but nooooooooo … you just had to improvise, didn’t you?  You just had to wander off the tightly-controlled rhetorical reservation.  Well, thank you.  You certainly didn’t gain any significant voter support with that asinine utterance, but you most certainly did lose some. Now we’re having fun watching and listening to your sycophants trying to defend your “somebody else made that happen” line.  Somehow they have to make your blunder sound marginally reasonable.  Apparently they’ve had a meeting somewhere, because they’re all running with pretty much the same message.  It was the government that built the roads those trucks travel on to bring stuff to your business for you to sell.  It was the government that built those utility systems that keep your offices cool and the water clean.   They really love that quote from Henry Ford about not being able to build his cars if the government had not built those roads.Well guess what, Dear Ruler.  We built that stuff too.  Not government — the private sector – America’s evil private businesses.


Go read the whole thing.


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