3…2…1… Blast Off!

For those of you in Washington, D.C. today, I’ve got a deal for you — free empanadas. For breakfast, go to the Capitol South metro station.For lunch, head to Farragut Square. Did I mention they are free?The empanadas will be from the food truck, DC Empanadas. You’ll get coffee and other beverages too.This is so exciting and long overdue. Our sister publication, Human Events, is going through a whole sale makeover and relaunch today. It is important and I am excited about it.I have seen the new site and printed page. They are gorgeous. Why all the fuss? Because Ronald Reagan’s favorite newspaper is headed back into actual, full time news gathering and generation. If you ask me, we charting a redirected course away from one of the singularly major, yet unheralded, accomplishments of President Bill Clinton.You can read that last sentence again. Let me explain.


One of my great laments in the past few years has been about one of Bill Clinton’s least heralded accomplishments — the destruction of the conservative movement.As I noted in in Time a few months ago,

Prior to Clinton, the conservative movement existed in a symbiotic relationship with the Republican Party but had a separate culture because of the need to build coalitions with conservative Democrats who shared their policy goals. During the early years of the Clinton presidency, leading up to 1994, scores of conservative Democrats became Republicans.By the time George W. Bush arrived in Washington, the conservative movement had fully moved to within the Republican Party. Conservative Democrats had walked across the aisle, making bipartisan outreach unnecessary. By the the midpoint of Bush’s presidency, people were talking nonironically about “Big Government conservatives,” which before Clinton’s term would have been merely Republicans who put party ahead of principle.As George Bush left office, conservatives who had seen his father put David Souter on the Supreme Court were championing Harriet Miers, fighting one another over immigration policy, supporting TARP, okaying the saving of General Motors and turning a polite blind eye to Bush’s claim that he had to kill the free market to save it.(Read the rest here)

When all this happened, many conservative publications drifted slowly, slowly toward more opinion than news. Besides, with George Bush in the White House after January of 2001, conservatives needed defenses. Defenses come most easily from opinion.Human Events, like many other conservative outlets, still did news, but more and more it was news analysis and opinion.Today, Ronald Reagan’s favorite paper gets back to hard news. Sure, it will be news with a conservative world view and a clear editorial line, but news nonetheless. As a guy with a 50,000 watt microphone on the most listened to talk radio station in the country, I absolutely look forward to routinely citing our sister publication’s news scoops and stories.If you are in D.C. today, be sure to pick up a hard copy. The redesigned print publication is gorgeous.



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