I'm Afraid I Have to Call Bulls*** on Paul Burka

I know Paul Burka is highly regarded and respected for his journalism, but I have to call bulls*** on him over this post his blog at Texas Monthly.According to Mr. Burka, as of 3:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon — that would be Sunday, October 23, 2011 — “there was no economic plan, even though it was scheduled for a rollout in the immediate future.” The “economic plan” to which Mr. Burka is referring is the Perry campaign’s economic plan.I know that is not true. I know it is not true because I have, these days, become so busy with this website, my radio show, and my television appearances that I can no longer afford to suffer through the little briefings and strategies and what not so many feel so compelled to invite me to sit through.If you want to tell me all about your economic plan, send it to me in an email and let me read it. And thus it was with the Perry campaign. They offered me a preview of the plan and I told them to just send me the plan, not some vaporware version of the plan. And so they did. Last week. Printing it out, I found dozens of pages of an economic plan complete with a flat tax of 20%, a generous per person deduction of $12,500.00, all the language to make it optional, and a few other surprises I’m not yet allowed to share until the candidate himself announces it. It had more than 70 footnotes along with it. (Just to note: I’m mentioning the rate and deduction only because Steve Moore did so in the Wall Street Journal’s wonderful Political Diary earlier today)I don’t know who told Mr. Burka that as of 3:00 p.m. yesterday there was no plan, but I can assure you there is not only a plan, but a well thought out plan that exists on paper to boot.



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