Occupy Streets, Are Mormons Christian, and Other Media Driven Stories #EERS

The Occupy various streets in the nation crowd are downright insulted over the “I Am The 53%” tag Kevin Eder started and that Mike Wilson, Josh Trevino, and I ran with. I mean they are livid over it.We’re going to get into that tonight on the radio and we’re going to get into Mitt Romney and Mormonism — is it somehow religious bigotry to say Mormons are not Christians and are people awful for wanting to vote for or against someone because of their religion? Yeah, I’m going there.And a debate preview.It’s an action packed few hours tonight not he radio from 7pm ET to 10pm ET. You can listen to it all on the largest talk radio station in the nation — and recently named the best talk radio station in America — AM 750 WSB.You can also call in at 1-800-WSB-TALK.Consider this an open thread.



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