the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.
1. American Orchestrated Air Strikes In Libya Kill Innocent Civilians
2. The Time for Action is Now
3. Obama Threatens Veto If Congress Strips Pro-Union Election Rules in FAA Bill
4. Let’s get serious about domestic energy
5. Planned Parenthood: Did We Say We Do Mammograms?
6. Support For The Koch Brothers From An Unlikely Source: The United Steelworkers
1. American Orchestrated Air Strikes In Libya Kill Innocent Civilians
You and I both know that anytime you have a war, innocent civilians get killed.But Barack Obama told us this is not a war. This is just a kinetic military action.The whole reason we are in Libya is to stop innocent civilians from being killed. It is the raison d’être of Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, and Hillary Clinton. They wanted to stop a massacre.According to Vatican officials we have now killed 40 innocent civilians in Tripoli.Please click here for the rest of the post.
2. The Time for Action is Now
As our country faces a fiscal crisis brought on by an unprecedented surge in deficit spending, it is clear that we do not have the luxury of kicking the can down the road and continuing with business as usual in Washington. Over the past two years, President Obama and the Democrats in Congress have tried to convince the American people that we can borrow and spend our way to prosperity. The American people aren’t buying it, and they have made their desire for fiscal restraint loud and clear.Please click here for the rest of the post.
3. Obama Threatens Veto If Congress Strips Pro-Union Election Rules in FAA Bill
The FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act is scheduled for a vote. However, the White House is now stating that it is likely the President will veto the legislation if a provision that gives union bosses the ability to more easily unionize airline (and railroad) employees is not removed.Please click here for the rest of the post.
4. Let’s get serious about domestic energy
n his speech at Georgetown University this week, President Obama acknowledged the alarming increases in prices at the gas pump, which in many states are approaching $4 per gallon. The president restated some vague platitudes about the need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but offered no concrete plans to rein in those prices, which are putting a strain on family budgets across the country.On his recent trip to South America, the President expressed hope that Brazil would aggressively develop its resources so that the United States could become one of the “best customers” of Brazil’s oil industry. This comes on the heels of his administration sending a loan of more than $2 billion to Brazil to expand its offshore drilling operations. Obama reaffirmed that insulting endorsement of boosting Brazil’s energy economy in his speech yesterday, leaving drivers across the country wondering why we continue to import over 60 percent of our nation’s total oil consumption from foreign countries and leave vast resources here untouched.What we need is a strong energy policy that starts, first and foremost, with developing our abundant resources here at home to spur our economy, reduce our reliance on oil from unfriendly regimes overseas and bring down the deficit.Please click here for the rest of the post.
5. Planned Parenthood: Did We Say We Do Mammograms?
One of the ridiculous canards always trotted out in defense of taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood is that Planned Parenthood is not just an abortion mill, it is a full-service women’s health provider. Specifically, it has been claimed over and over again that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms. Why do you want women to die of breast cancer, you evil Republican?Please click here for the rest of the post.
6. Support For The Koch Brothers From An Unlikely Source: The United Steelworkers
If you’ve been following the Wisconsin fracas over these past few weeks, you’ve probably noticed that the Left’s enemy du jour has become the American businessmen Charles and David Koch of Koch Industries. As an American company, Koch Industries employs over 50,000 Americans. In total, the number of American jobs that indirectly supported Koch Industries is over 200,000. In Wisconsin, Koch Industries provides nearly 3,000 jobs directly and 11,000 jobs indirectly. More importantly, many of those jobs are good-paying union jobs. So, why all the hate?Please click here for the rest of the post.
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