Where Anecdote Is Not Data, But . . .

We should never confuse anecdotes for data, but I’ve got a funny one.I got called up to New York on the spur of the moment this past week for CNN so I ran out to early voting. I was somewhat stunned by the high number of black voters doing early voting.In any event, I stood in line in front of a black preacher from the local community and a number of his congregants, all had come to vote. He was telling me it’d be his first time voting Republican. I told him I was shocked he’d be voting for Nathan Deal.He laughed and said he was voting for Barnes, but he was voting for Austin Scott too as a protest vote. Then he said he’d be able to fix it in two years.It’s not data, but it is stuff like this causing people like Charlie Cook to move Georgia’s 8th Congressional District from toss-up to lean Republican.



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