Conservatives did a marvelous job rallying in South Carolina and Utah. Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, and Jeff Duncan scored major conservative victories in South Carolina. Mike Lee will go on to be the next senator from Utah.The next big race will be Ken Buck vs. Jane Norton in Colorado. And conservatives need to rally to Ken Buck.Already the Norton campaign has gone totally negative. It’s becoming increasingly hysterical to see Norton supporters complain loudly that “Ken Buck did it first” when it is Norton folks sending out mail attacking Ken Buck already, not to mention emails galore.The Norton camp is fully disintegrating in panic because new polling shows Ken Buck with a sixteen point lead. Norton is being advised by John McCain’s consultant Charlie Black, who is also Norton’s brother-in-law. I’m afraid if conservatives don’t unite quickly behind Ken Buck, Charlie Black and Jane Norton’s angry young campaign manager Josh Penry are going to go scorched earth on Ken Buck — if Norton can’t win they’ll make it impossible for Ken Buck to win too.Already Penry is out to destroy SurveyUSA for showing Ken Buck up 16 points. In an email to Norton supporters, Penry noted, “SurveyUSA predicted that Dean would win the Iowa Caucuses. SurveyUSA missed the mark by a wide margin, overestimating Dean’s support by six percentage points and underestimating Kerry’s by nearly seventeen points.”The difference of course is that Iowa was a caucus, not a primary, and polling can never predict caucus dynamics as well as primary dynamics.More troubling, as Jane Norton increasingly appears staff driven on every decision, her campaign manager, Josh Penry, is siding with Democrats in the Colorado State Senate on noxious environmental laws that his own GOP caucus opposes. In particular, Penry is trying to force Xcel Energy to convert from coal to natural gas for power generation. As a RedState reader notes, “[Penry hacked] off the rest of the GOP Caucus with his support (and co-sponsor of) a bill that directs Xcel to replace clean Colorado coal with natural gas. It was a little eerie and upsetting to see the Colorado Senate Minority leader standing at the podium to defend the Democrats against his own Caucus on the bill. Instead of letting the free market determine the winners and losers, he wanted to do something for the oil and gas industry.”When Jane Norton can’t finish a sentence without asking Cinamin if there is anything else to add, having her campaign run by a Republican who is willing to throw his own GOP caucus under the bus for bad legislation is disturbing.Ken Buck is a solid conservative district attorney. Jim DeMint and I are both proud and happy to support him. He’s right on the issues, won’t go squishy on immigration, and will fight for freedom.Conservatives need to rally to Ken Buck now in Colorado.And note how I drew the arrows. We also need to help Pamela Gorman in Arizona and Rick Barber in Alabama. They need significant help right now.
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