Jon Kyl Announces Pre-Emptive Surrender

Before hearings even start on Elena Kagan, Jon Kyl is declaring surrender.The number two Republican in the Senate says the GOP will not filibuster Kagan. Why give up the card early? Why signal to the base that there will be no fight?The Senate GOP can say there will be a fight, but if they are giving up their ultimate weapon early, a lot of good it will do. Elena Kagan will be confirmed because the GOP in the Senate is surrendering early.You know what you need to do? Support Jim DeMint’s Senate Conservatives Fund. Elect Jim DeMint style conservatives who will actually be freedom fighters.And here is who Jim DeMint wants fighting by his side in the Senate:Get Ken Buck elected in Colorado.Get Rand Paul elected in Kentucky.Get Marco Rubio elected in Florida.Get Pat Toomey elected in Pennsylvania.Get Chuck DeVore elected in California.Get Mike Lee elected in Utah.And I’d add Danny Tarkanian in Nevada.The fight for freedom depends on it



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