Rep. Swalwell Takes on Acting DNI Richard Grenell; Gets Crushed Like a Bug

AP Photo/Elise Amendola
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Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., speaks at a Politics


It’s not just because he farted on national television.

No matter how hard he tries, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) seems unable to land a punch without getting ridiculed. And today was no exception.


He sent out a tweet which said he can no longer trust the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Acting DNI and Trump ally Richard Grenell has been on a declassification spree over the last couple of weeks and on Thursday, the Senate confirmed the nomination of another Trump loyalist, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) to fill the permanent DNI position. Swalwell writes, “They’re the ones with the shovels burying evidence to protect @realDonaldTrump.

Swalwell did say he trusts the FBI and Director Wray. which is really quite remarkable after incontrovertible evidence just surfaced showing top FBI officials discussing how they would set up Gen. Michael Flynn the next day.

Given the large quantity of incriminating and embarrassing information that has come out about the Obama Administration’s efforts to undermine President Trump and set up Gen. Flynn, he probably should have sat this one out, but Swalwell just doesn’t know when to shut up.


That once dependable, time honored Democratic tactic of accusing Republicans of the very things they have done can no longer be relied upon in the face of all of the new information that’s been released.

Grenell quickly fired back at Fartwell Swalwell to say that not only did Democrats, including Swalwell, listen to multiple people in classified hearings say they had no evidence, they went on TV to say the opposite. Furthermore, Grenell said he would be releasing even more information.

Like an annoying fly buzzing around when one is trying to sleep, Swalwell tries a different tack. He faults Grenell for never briefing his committee, then dares him to release Flynn’s call with Russia?

Swalwell should have been more careful about what he asked for.


Grenell quickly replies that “Those are coming. It’s very important for the public to see ALL of them. For too long the public has been misled. Just compare your committee’s transcripts to your public statements! #troubling

Gen. Flynn’s defense team has only been asking for the transcript and the recording of that call for three years. Why Swalwell thinks this is a concession is beyond me. He’s not too smart, is he? But then again, punks rarely are.


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