The Flynn records which were unsealed by the DOJ on Wednesday night sent shockwaves throughout Washington. The documents prove that Gen. Michael Flynn was “set up” by top FBI officials for purely political reasons.
A closer look at the pages contained in the document reveals another disturbing issue. While reviewing the “new” DOJ/Flynn documents, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) noticed that each page was stamped by the SCO and had its own identification number, as our Jennifer Van Laar covered Thursday. It appears as if they were part of the Special Counsel Office’s private collection of documents.
He quickly fired off the following tweet.
New DOJ/Flynn docs are stamped w SCO as in Special Counsels Office
Did Mueller have these docs? Why did his team sit on them? What else is Mueller team that cost taxpayers $30+ million hiding? The ppl deserve answers 2restore faith in federal law enforcement agencies
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) April 30, 2020
During his podcast on Thursday, Dan Bongino discussed a similar reference to the SCO in the footnote on the first page of the documents. The footnote reads: “Note that the enclosed spreadsheet (DOJSCO-700023473 – DOJSCO700023475), which contains messages between and among various Bureau personnel, is an index and another detailed version of these messages is forthcoming.”
If you open up the document below, you’ll see the footnote. If you continue to scroll down, you’ll notice that each page beyond the cover letter is stamped with SCO.
Anonymous Twitter lawyer “Techno Fog” was the first to notice the footnote. He wrote, “Curious if Team Mueller had these all along…?
And now that Grassley has brought attention to the stamps on each page, it sure looks like it.
Which means that the Special Counsel, that revered group of attorneys tasked to find the wrong doing of President Trump may have hidden exculpatory evidence.
It might be time to haul the prosecutors from Team Mueller before a grand jury. I’m not suggesting Mueller himself, not after the debacle which took place before Congress last July. But Andrew Weissmann, who clearly led the group’s operations, and prosecutors such as Brandon Van Grack need to answer some direct questions under oath. Based on the information that’s currently available, it appears as if the Mueller’s Team had this evidence and chose to conceal it.
Evidence of the deep state’s corruption is mounting. Wednesday night’s document release, in my opinion, marked the turning point. Prior to then, I didn’t truly believe that those who so grossly abused their power would ever be held accountable. The new documents have changed everything.
Take a look at how the evidence is marked.
DOJSCO-700023473 – DOJSCO700023475
SCO = Special Counsel's Office
Curious if Team Mueller had these all along… 🤔 pic.twitter.com/weMQyDYQXa
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) April 29, 2020
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