As Number of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in US Surpasses China's, GQ Writer Asks, 'Who's the S***hole Country Now?'

In this Jan. 22, 2020, photo released on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020, by China’s Xinhua News Agency, medical workers of the Union Hospital with the Tongji Medical College of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan participate in a ceremony to form an “assault team” to battle against a coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan in central China’s Hubei Province, Jan. 23, 2020. China closed off a city of more than 11 million people Thursday in an unprecedented effort to try to contain a deadly new viral illness that has sickened hundreds and spread to other cities and countries in the Lunar New Year travel rush. (Cheng Min/Xinhua via AP)



Upon reading that the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. now exceeds the total in China, GQ writer Julia Ioffe tweeted, “Who’s the s***hole country now?’ She attached a New York Times article entitled, “U.S. Now Leads the World in Confirmed Cases.”

In case we needed any more proof that liberals hate America, there it is.

The left views the coronavirus crisis as a stroke of marvelous luck. It’s crashed the high-flying stock market and it’s devastated the strong Trump economy.

Ioffe’s comment was a reference to the media meltdown which ensued after President Trump referred to Haiti and El Salvador as “s***hole” countries during a closed door meeting with a bipartisan group of senators in January 2018. The left was up in arms about Trump’s remark. A spokesperson at the United Nations called it “shocking and shameful.” ‘Trump was a racist.’ The outrage was way out of proportion to the offense.

Ioffe has a history of making provocative statements. It seems to have become her niche. In December 2016, she was famously fired from Politico for implying that President Trump was involved in a sexual relationship with his daughter. The tweet, which has long since been deleted, was quite explicit.


The Daily Wire’s Hank Berrien reminds us of a more recent occasion when her rhetoric crossed the line. The following exchange comes from a December 2019 discussion with CNN’s Don Lemon.

Lemon: So, Julia, let me ask you. Let’s take a step back here then. So [how could] this meeting with Trump and (Russian Foreign Minister) Lavrov even have happened today? Did the Russians do anything to earn this?

Ioffe: Well, yeah, they helped him win the presidency. Right? If you’re Trump, you’ve earned it. And in fact, the Ukrainians who have been dying for a White House visit haven’t earned it. They haven’t meddled in the elections the way Trump has asked them to. So they didn’t do what was asked of them. I think it’s telling that Lavrov got a White House meeting for no reason the day that Trump’s impeachment — articles of impeachment are announced.

Last time Lavrov was in the White House, it was the day after he fired Comey, and he told the Russians, you know, I fired him over this Russia thing. Also here’s some super classified Israeli intelligence that you just might want to see.

And, you know, we still don’t know what happened in that hour that he was in the White House. And I have a feeling in the coming days and weeks, we’re going to be finding out that Trump said some pretty — again, I’m speculating, but if last time was anything to go by, given that Trump hasn’t changed, I’m guessing we’re going to learn that Trump said some pretty eyebrow-raising things.


After the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting which left 11 people dead in October 2018, Ioffe appeared on CNN and said, “This President has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did.”

For good reason, Ioffe was sharply criticized by conservative commentators for her latest remark. If history is any guide, we should be hearing an apology from her over the weekend.



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