Good Morning! This is the day Our Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Due to personal circumstances coupled with the medical situation our Great President finds himself in, I’ve postponed the remainder of my series on The Steps Towards Revolution. I decided out of respect for the President, that I would step back for a couple days. Yet, as the Methodist Greeting indicates, we do have much to be glad for.
Make no mistake about it, our President is in a precarious position, made more so by the political environment. Having said that, all indications so far say that he should fully recover. In this short post, I’d like everyone to please step back, take a deep breath and pray—pray for our country and pray for our President. I’d also like to especially pray for some of our opponents who at least in this particular circumstance, have shown some decency in the immediate aftermath of the announcement about the President’s condition.
I was very gratified to hear messages of good wishes from not only the Kamala Harris family, but also from former President Obama and his family. I was most gratified to hear not only well wishes from the Bidens, but also a promise from his campaign, to suspend negative ads for the time being… perhaps a modest ray of sunshine in our environment.
I am confident that the President will recover quickly and once again take up the full mantle for his party. To that end, and in anticipation of that happy day, The Steps to Revolution continues Monday AM. Until then and as always, pray.
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