Watercooler 02/19/16 Open Thread: "And I think to myself, what a wonderful world"


I know every generation since the dawn of time (with exception of Adam and Eve of course lol) has looked back upon the “good ole days” with fondness.  You know those days where men were men, and we walked uphill in snow to school, and people worked hard for their money etc etc.  But man there are some days where you peruse the news on the web and you cant help but think, what the hell is going on out there.  Makes me consider how vastly the culture of humanity has changed in the life time of the “greatest generation”.  Maybe I am only looking through my narrow perspective of time but has there ever been more change good or bad over any other 80 year period in the history of man?  I don’t know, but I know if my grand father was alive today he would not recognize much of the world I live in.



Parlez Vous Francais?  The socialists in France are up in arms! Wait what your not worried? Ok well they have their panties in a bunch because someone is daring to call into question their 35 hour work week.  Now I know we have all heard and told a French joke here or there but the gist of what I read here is that it is illegal for your employer to ask you to work more than 35 hours in a given work week.  Can you imagine how that would fly here?  Just picture walking in to your bosses office at 2PM on a Thursday and saying “hey see ya on Monday”  It’s like the whole country watched Office Space and thought it was an awesome idea.


Veterans Lives Matter, or at least they should.  You have probably all heard about the gang of BLM wanna be tough guys who blindsided a vet outside a D.C. McDonalds.  The thing that really drives me crazy is that this young man who served his country in Iraq, was made to be a target by the anti 2nd amendment Commies in Washington.  Three hoods never even have to stop and consider if that young man would have been armed.  They know it is an impossibility and therefore have no fear to target anyone if numbers are on their side.


Don’t You Feel Safer knowing the CIA is actively recruiting transgenders into its ranks?  I mean I know if there is one place I want to know that we are not hiring the best and the brightest but simply trying to fill in pre-cast slots it is the Central Intelligence Agency.  How about we put the men and women in place who will keep my family safe?  I really don’t care what color they are or who they prefer to have intercourse with.  I miss don’t ask don’t tell.



Just Not In The Face, That is the advice Hassan Al-Laham is giving to Palestinian men about how to properly “correct” their possessions wives.

“Allah said: Warn them [the wives], and separate from them, and hit them, and bring an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family,”

“Not hitting that will bring the police, and break her hand and cause bleeding, or hitting that makes the face ugly,”

Hassan is the top spiritual leader appointed by the Palestinian authority.  So remember men Allah says its all good just beat women as a “joke, to reinforce the love and friendship between the couple”.

According to this article Hassan is actually considered by many to be a moderate…


A Real Man take 2:53 of your day and watch Capt. Higgins from Louisiana call out some local gang bangers.  This is a great example of the dedication and bravery we all want to expect from the officers who serve and protect.  There are good cops and there are bad, I get it.  But just like any other inclusive group of people it is up to the good to speak up and roost out the bad.  I would love to have Capt. Higgins protecting my neighborhood.


So with that Red Staters I will leave you today.  Remember on this open thread you talk about what ever you want.  Sorry no politics today here, I think all of the talented front page writers have that locked down pretty well.  So lets have a discussion.



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