Take A RedState Presidential Electability Poll!

United States presidential election, 2016

A lot of the presidential discussion right now is operating on three levels: who would be the best President, who has the best chance (or any chance) of being the nominee, and who has the best chance (or any chance) of winning the general election. Here’s your chance to weigh in, and argue your case in the comments.


The electability poll – who are you supporting & why?
Ted Cruz, and I believe he stands at least as good chance in November as anyone.
Ted Cruz, even though it means a greater chance of losing in November.
Ted Cruz, only because nobody else can stop Trump.
Marco Rubio, because he stands the best chance in November.
Marco Rubio, only because nobody else can stop Trump.
Marco Rubio, even if he doesn’t have the best chance to win.
Donald Trump, because he stands the best chance in November.
Donald Trump, because the Republican Party deserves to lose.
Jeb Bush, and I believe he can win the nomination.
Jeb Bush, even if he can’t win the nomination.
John Kasich, and I believe he can win the nomination.
John Kasich, even if he can’t win the nomination.
Ben Carson, and I believe he can win the nomination.
Ben Carson, even if he can’t win the nomination.
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