The big Super Saturday win by Sen. Ted Cruz over Donald Trump has resulted in a yuge thirty point swing boosting Cruz over Trump in CNN’s Political Prediction Market. According to CNN, Trump has seen his odds of wining the Republican nomination drop 15 percent in less than 24 hours – from 75 percent to 63 percent. Cruz gained 15 percent from Saturday morning to put his odds of wining the nomination at 25 percent.
Cruz won more delegates, 64 to 49, than Trump Saturday by winning the Kansas and Maine caucuses with large margins. Trump won 30 percent fewer delegates than Cruz with narrow victories in the Louisiana and Kentucky caucuses.
With 100 percent of the results reported:
- Ted Cruz – 48.2%, 24 delegates
- Donald Trump – 23.3%, 9 delegates
- Marco Rubio – 16.7%, 6 delegates
- John Kasich – 10.7%, 1 delegate
- All Other – 1.2%
- Donald Trump – 35.9%, 17 delegates
- Ted Cruz – 31.6%, 15 delegates
- Marco Rubio – 16.4%, 7 delegates
- John Kasich – 14.4%, 6 delegates
- All Others – 1.7%
- Donald Trump – 41.4%, 16 delegates
- Ted Cruz – 37.8%, 15 delegates
- Marco Rubio – 11.2%, 0 delegates
- John Kasich – 6.4%, 0 delegates
- All Others – 3.1%
- Ted Cruz – 45.9%, 12 delegates
- Donald Trump – 32.6%, 9 delegates
- John Kasich – 12.2%, 2 delegates
- Marco Rubio – 8.0%, 0 delegates
- All Others – 1.3%
Cruz also won the CPAC straw poll. And Cruz was the hand down winner in Thursday’s Fox News Debate in Detroit. Perhaps with his new momentum, Cruz can close the gap in Michigan’s Republican primary on March 8.
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