Stand for Truth, a new [mc_name name=’Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’C001098′ ] supporting Super PAC formed six weeks ago, will spend $4.2 million on a television advertising campaign in Iowa and South Carolina. The huge advertising blitz will consist of a $2.1 million buy in Iowa starting on Jan. 13 and a $2.1 million in South Carolina beginning Jan. 27.
The $4.2 million is in addition to the $1 million media buy announced by the Keep the Promise group of Cruz sanctioned Super PACs. Keep the Promise will spend $700,000 in Iowa for television ads and another $300,000 plus on radio and digital ads in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada.
As the current front runner in Iowa, Cruz has become a favorite target of the other Republican candidates desperate to do well in Iowa or New Hampshire. The $5.2 media buy should help the Cruz Campaign blunt the onslaught he knows is only going to get worse. It is also a useful counter to the $2 million a week in advertising that Trump has said he will now unleash.
Cruz understands how important it is to maintain his current momentum. That week he warned supporters of both the downside and potential of his current position:
“We’re winning right now, and as a result, I want to tell everyone to get ready. Strap on the full armor of God. Get ready for the attacks that are coming. We’ve already seen hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in attacks directed at us. Well I went to tell you that come the month of January, we ain’t seen nothing yet.”
“I want to encourage everyone to get ready, because starting tomorrow morning, we are in a 90-day sprint to win this nomination, and then to turn around and win the general election,” he said. “To defeat Hillary Clinton in November of 2016 and to turn this country around.”
That’s right. Cruz thinks it’s possible the race for the Republican nomination could be over by the end of March.
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