President Obama finally arrived in Louisiana to inspect the damage done by Hurricane Isaac six days after the storm made landfall and three days after Mitt Romney inspected hurricane damage with Governor Bobby Jindal.
Romney got there three days earlier because he cared enough to skip a campaign rally in Virginia in order to inspect the damage done by Isaac. If Romney had not made the extra effort to visit Louisiana, does anyone seriously think Obama would have bothered to show up at all.
Obama was too busy flying all over the country fundraising and campaigning to visit the storm damage. At least he was until Romney made his inspection trip. I know the White House claims Obama made the decision to visit Louisiana before Mitt Romney’s announcement that he would be going to the state Friday to see damage from Hurricane Isaac. Frankly I just don’t believe it. Do you? After all Obama announced that he would tour Hurricane Isaac damage in Louisiana only after Romney did.
Obama has done this before. Last summer Obama ignored a request from five congressmen to tour flood damage in Sioux City, Iowa. Instead, Obama campaigned on other side of Iowa.
Sioux City Councilman Keith Radig calls Obama a fair weathered friend.
“You could kind of describe Obama as a fair weathered friend — he’s one that’s only there when he needs something from you. But when we needed his leadership, he was nowhere to be found.”
Just another example of Obama’s infamous leading from behind. This time three days behind Romney.
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