It's the End of the Word As We Know It (Again)

Today is Do-Over Day for Harold Camping and his EOTW prediction.  Yes, kids, today’s the day that The Big One will occur and the world will come to an end.


And I forgot to take a vacation day today.

So, here’s an open thread for you to mull over what you should be doing on this, your last day on Earth.  I have some work to do this morning, then I’ll be watching Top Gear this evening.  But in the meantime, I’ll be thinking on Matthew 24:36, and I hope Harold is doing the same.


NOTE: As member CincoSolas_del_Bronx mentions in the comments, I typo’d the title.  It wasn’t intentional, but considering how Mr. Camping has apparently neglected to pay attention to the basics of Matt 24, I’ll just leave it that way.  The title was INTENDED to refer to this:


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