On January 4th, Congressman Marsha Blackburn introduced the first pro-life bill in the House for the 113th Congress. The Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act (H.R. 61) seeks to prevent the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from giving more money to abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood. In her statement, Blackburn points out that, in 2010, Planned Parenthood received over $340 million from the federal government under the Title X family planning program. Said Blackburn on the bill:
As a woman, I believe America deserves better than abortion. America shouldn’t celebrate abortion and our taxpayers shouldn’t subsidize abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood, who profit from the destruction of human life with taxpayer money.
In response, Planned Parenthood took to Facebook, shocked that Pro-Lifers still exist in 2013:
On Twitter, Planned Parenthood clarified their fear of the year 2011 by linking to a blog post admitting that, “2011 saw the highest number of abortion restrictions ever passed in a year.” They noted that 2012 also made history with the second highest number of abortion restrictions ever passed. One would think that with all their research, Planned Parenthood wouldn’t find it surprising that 2013 is going to be a difficult year for them. Perhaps with the re-election of the most pro-abortion president ever, Planned Parenthood thought pro-lifers would finally give up. However, even Time magazine recently admitted that the Pro-life movement is on the rise. With this month marking 40 years since the Roe v Wade decision by the Supreme Court and the annual March For Life just weeks away, Planned Parenthood should know that the fight to protect the unborn has only just begun.
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