Watching clips of National Public Radio CEO Katherine Maher was fascinating. Watching a radical leftist get asked to answer for their behavior is always interesting to watch, and I imagine will be studied by psychologists in the future.
Radical leftism is something that really only survives on paths of least (or no) resistance. It's considered "brave" to be a radical leftist whenever you're surrounded by other radicals, protected by layers of bureaucracy, or safely parked behind a keyboard. Take any of those things away, and suddenly, the radical is no longer accountable for their behavior and will begin to squirm out of the trouble they're in by any means necessary.
In Maher's case, it was making statements about journalistic standards she doesn't actually believe in.
“We have a responsibility to serve Americans across the full political spectrum in a trustworthy, non-partisan fashion,” Maher told Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (D-GA). “It is essential we deliver on this commitment, and we have work to do, and we are doing it.”
Maher said she launched an effort within NPR to make sure everything coming out of it is "fair and comprehensive," saying she understands "concerns regarding bias."
In case you need a reminder, Maher has publicly posted things to X like "America is addicted to white supremacy" and believes in the existence of "late-stage capitalism," which is a term communists like to use to make capitalism sound like an out-of-control failure. Naturally, she thinks a lot about "toxic masculinity" and thinks there are more than two genders.
In other words, Maher is your consummate leftist radical; the only difference between her and the ones you see on the news is that she figured out that you can spread your lunacy a lot further if you wash your hair, put on a suit, and speak in a calm voice. Aside from that, there's really not much of a difference between her and the neon-haired screamer with a million piercings and ill-fitting clothing threatening your local church.
The thing is, Maher isn't alone in figuring out what works. She's just one of the many who have weaseled and wormed their way into our institutions. Maher's title is CEO, but a lot of her ilk have titles like "professor" or "doctor," and sometimes even "representative." All of them are incredibly dangerous, especially the professor, but it's the ones who have worked their way into positions of cultural influence that really cause harm on a global scale.
It's because of people like this that other countries have had to take measures to make sure the infection of radical leftism in America doesn't spread into their own country or influence their work. Japan is one such country, where creators of entertainment have begun using AI to assist in Japanese to English translations instead of relying on American localizers to translate their works. As I reported in January of last year, the leftist infection had spread into the localization community, and these translators were inserting leftist messaging into games and television shows where there was none.
Famed Nintendo game creator Masahiro Sakurai recently called for Japanese entertainment companies to stop attempting to Americanize their work. In Japan, the debate on whether to appeal to American sensibilities has been ongoing, and there's been a quest to not offend the permanently offended. This limits creativity. As Sakurai put it, according to SoraNews24:
“Japanese people should forge ahead with making things Japanese people like. Up until recently, because various games were popular in America, there was an idea that we should make Americanized games, that there was a de facto standard to meet. But there are a surprisingly large number of people overseas who like Japanese games, and what they’re hoping for is not Japanese games that have been Americanized, but the unique fun and enjoyment of games from Japan.”
This should be an alarm bell to Americans, and not just Americans, but Westerners in general. We're seen as snooty, easily offended, feelings-first people. In other words, spoiled and childish.
We're not, at least not generally. The radical infection has just spread so far into our institutions that this is the vibe we give off.
To be clear, it's not people who lean left that are truly killing this country. I think the election of Donald Trump proved that Democrats and Republicans can find common ground. Some of them even went to work on his cabinet and are doing a fantastic job.
And I think we can all agree that the radicals need to go. They need to lose funding, get kicked out of their positions of power and influence, because if we don't, once our window to truly trim the infection out passes, they're not going to really be concerned with balancing things out within their company or trying to find a middle-ground approach. They'll go right back to exerting as much influence and force as they can.
These are not people who operate by common sense; they act according to the needs of the agenda and the cause. The infection has to be cut out of the body root and stem, and this means choking these places until the infection dies or is forcibly ejected.
It's not enough just to hold their feet to the fire. We have to take the culture back. It's not just a front in the fight for Western civilization; it's the largest front. We lose this, we lose everything.
Get these people out.